Personal Information:

1. Name:
- Jonas

2. Age:
- 22

3. Location
- Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Freiburg

4. General Moderating Experience
- No game server moderating experience yet.However, I've had experience working as technical support though. I've experience working as a programmer for the last couple years. Experienced with all kinds of servers and software deployment, testing and design too.

Diablo Information:

5. Account in-game?
*schiggy, (should try if *dante is available still, will create tonight ;D)

6. How long have you played Diablo II?
I've started playing the game 6 years ago, with some breaks and comebacks. I've participated in bnet ladder level races with my frieds for the last couple years.
I've hosted some botless operated baalrun channels with quite a little community

7. PvPGN (private server) Moderating Experience?
No - this is my first private d2 server experience.

8. Why do you feel like you would qualify as a Game Master and benefit the server?
I love the server since I randomly stumbled over the website and started to play it since day 1.
I think I'm a calm and responsible person, who likes to help and talk to people anytime. Also I love to theory craft and talk about the game and builds.

My situation at the moment allows me to spend quite some time online too.
Also, I'm European and will be online mostly around the time it's getting late for you guys over the pud .
Since I'm German I think I can care of the growing German community here an bring some more people to play and stick to the server.

I've made quite some friends who I enjoy talking to here too and I'd love to give something back and helping you guys out!