Hello there diablo II players, my name is Matt, ill be starting on this server very soon and just wanted to say hello and ask some players some questions on my quest to the Top.

First off, how active is the server? i know the game is really really old, i mean it took blizzard 10 years just to patch us to 1.13, and that was ages ago, so is the server still alive and buzzing? is it a bit quiet 20+ people a day, any chance an admin/op can tell me how many unique ip logs in 24 hours? just curious.

2nd, i see their are some "custom" items, can you link a thread to all of them and what the stats read so i can do some maths.

3rd, server rules, i see it says NO, 3rd party apps, does this include apps such as the application that allows us to run multiple versions of diablo, manly used to "mule" items over to fake accounts as storage, or to make "player8" games running for higher MF rates, and also, are map hacks allowed, or the app that colours items name for easy identification, is anything allowed that is not game advantage basicly, kinda like how on WoW u can customize ur UI. anyway, any info on this would be really useful, ill be playing the game bare-bones till further information on this topic.

some servers allow things, other servers are strick, so are there ANY 3rd party apps legal.
(yes i understand bots 100% ban, all servers work like that,just want to know about the other programs)

and lastly, currency, so what do you guys use as currency on this server? gold? do u mean ingame gold or is it like fourm gold, and/or are runes still the main currency of this server or do u have a larger dipping pool i should be educated on.

thank you to any one that responds and helps fill me in.