Annihilus 2.1 Hotfix 2 Changelog:

• Othuyeg's Thorns has been replaced by Holy Shock, and now has a 50% chance to cast Level 40 Nova when he is hit.

• K'nar'st's Ribcage Life / Mana based on time has been replaced with a flat roll of 400-500 Life and Mana. This is not retroactive and unfortunately will not affect existing items.

• Fixed an issue where R'lyeh and Tristram could sometimes overlap, causing the game R'lyeh was opened in to crash.

• Sand-Dweller's Firewall skill level has been lowered. It was lasting a little too long!

• R'lyeh Treants no longer use Vine Attack as it was causing lag. It has been replaced with Poison Nova.

• Lowered Diablo Clone's physical resistance to 95, down from 100.

(This will go live sometime today)