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Thread: Gold gifting

  1. #21
    Regular Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    reunion island ( near mauritius)
    Annihilus Account: thessarill

    The economy isn't ruined because of mephisto ( even if he can rule the next 5 ladder resets with that amount of gold, but its not the problem here), the economy is ruined by greedy people, a lot of new players ( and i really like them all) are wrong about a lot of items value, for exemple, cow sets items, they used to have a value for a loooonggggg time, and, its like everyone can have them easily. But there value started to grow because of some new players ( 1 in particular but i wont name him) who was only playing here for 2 weeks and was selling cow items for like 50% more expensive thant they used to be.
    And new players continue to try to sell to this price, because they follow a guy who just wanted to be richer ( he autoproclamed himself as richer player of the serv... lol) .
    And now, people have no real clue of what "normal" item value are.

    + the downgrading system of runes was a good idea at 1rst.
    But it involve some troubles: runes lowest than ber aren't consider by players as High runes anymore.
    A lot of greedy people dont even want to trade runes below tor or zod because with downgrading scroll being free, you can do ALL runes with 2 tors ( or 1 if you pay for a upgrading scroll).
    The good thing to settle this would simply to put a little price on downgrading runes ( and when i say little, its little, like 50gold) so people wont abuse the system.
    It would be like :" you have 1 tor, good, you can downgrade it to zod for 50 gold, to cham for 100, to jah for 150 and to ber for 200."
    200 gold for 1 ber is not a lot, but it can avoid people to make 10 bers with 10 runes.
    you have 10 tor? you want 10 bers? its 2000gold dude.
    I overact it but, the point is here: giving people the possibility to make any runes for free isnt a good option at all, it's like playin a baldurs gate (obivious choice) and cheating to have 500k gold. There's no point to it, and it ruin the gaming experience of a lot of person.

    Now, runes have no more value, people are trading orbs and dices. But we have to remember, the original diablo experience was for everyone a rune based economy.

    I dont know if i'm clear, i dont know if people think like me, but i hope it can make a good reaction ( and not a trolling/flaming post)

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Annihilus Account: acyroma

    Removing gold gifting will do nothing to change the situation.

    Before people realized gold gifting was a thing, they would talk to mephisto, who would say xxx dyes/orbs/dice for the items you want, then they'd donate and buy the items from hadriel and do the trade with mephisto. I never heard a complaint about the economy being ruined back then before gold gifting was a thing, yet gold gifting essentially still happened.

    The only real difference is the fact that instead of mephisto stockpiling hadriel items on mules where people cannot tell how much wealth he has, he is holding onto the gold, which everyone can clearly see. The only difference on the economy here is that in the next ladder mephisto can bring some of his wealth with him. That being said, if gold gifting had never been a thing, do you honestly believe mephisto would be lacking gold at the start of next ladder?

    So, people are complaining that the economy is just recently ruined, yet the thing they are blaming has been happening for 8+ months.

    Clearly, gold gifting is not the problem.

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