There's a lot of walls of text, but I agree to some point. It feels like you have to have your character end game before you even decide to start ubers. The problem with that is, so much wealth in the server is already here. Players become new, see these players with already end game gear and expect to do the same. But the big problem is inferno cows imo, where it drops all the rares/sets/uniques that they don't need. Leading the new players to pick them up. But where do they grind to get better to start doing inferno cows? Baal? Meph? Cows? None are nothing compared to Inferno cows or the ubers. (Where one mob kill is about the same loot as a Baal kill.) So we're stuck farming cows and all the none custom things to be able to do that. Or, we could try them and die 15-20 times in order to get a kill. Maybe, a buff to hell cows, or baal runs to make them easier for new players. Nothing is fun about getting rushed to hell in 10 minutes, and try to gear yourself off other people playing. Since there's a really easy way to get to hell, maybe make Baal a huge incentive? It'd be easier to farm, but limited to a time limit (being baal waves etc.). There's really no character that can farm these things efficiently without godly gear. I mean, fighting something with 1 million life, when I only have 150k dps as poison... As I can see, only a few specific builds can destroy these things. I don't see a Druid or an Assassin in these ubers.. I feel like it should be easier to farm, decrease the life, so we don't have to rely on crushing blow and deadly strike. Yeah, diablo II pvm is really easy, but not everyone sees it that way. Maybe add something in the middle of "end game" and "noobies". Like, vaud said. There is just too big of a gap, there is no real progression. Get lucky and if you do, get richer. Same as regular D2, but you could atleast get a diadem from baal that'd be worth 25+ hrs. Here it's like, hope I get either a zod drop or a enchantment that's decent. So one of the godly people looking for them and can over pay and I can farm ubers. I know it's not like this, but the curve is off. I've played Median, with a nice smooth curve into end game. Path of Exile same thing. I'm not complaining the server is awesome, end game content is really nice. But, something has to be done for new players and players that aren't as good or knowledgeable about diablo II as other players are. I just feel like, improving on this small spot will increase the amount of players on the server.