Quote Originally Posted by Game View Post
I don't have time to respond in full right now, but I disagree a lot with things said in this thread. People want things to be a little too easy it seems. A lot of these suggestions may make the first week or two of playing easier for new players, but after that it completely sucks and people will burn out faster than ever. The way drops work on this server weren't just wildly thought up, drop rates of all sorts of items (blue organs included) have been changed a lot overtime to find the sweet spot, I am very pleased with the drop rates of almost all items right now.

Crucible could use a little tweaking, but I am not going to add 10 more levels, I do not think that would help much of anything. When Crucible came out though I did say I will work on expanding it in different ways in the future, I will touch on that probably in patch 3.4. the first 2 bosses aren't meant to be super hard, it isn't supposed to get real hard until after that.
How are newer players not burning out already ? I know a player that hasn't even been on here for a week, and he considered quitting thanks to the endgame difficulty and the drop rates. I suspect he may only stay on a bit longer just because he recently got stuff from a veteran player.