SotR Beta July 31st, 2024 Changelog:


• Act 3 Mercenary has had their Enchant skill level increased due to Enchant's changes listed below.

• Increased Damage Taken no longer reduces "Reduced Damage Taken" stat that endgame monsters and bosses have. Instead, this increase happens after all other calculations, such as resistances and reduced damage taken. This will make the stat not quite as powerful when it comes to shredding the endgame.

• Town Portal's cooldown has been reduced to 1 second, down from 5 seconds.



• Guided Arrow's damage per level has been increased, especially at later levels. Now causes locked on targets to take increased damage from all sources.

• Inner Sight now causes affected targets to take increased damage from all sources, instead of increasing the critical strike damage taken.

• Doppelganger will now use the Quiver skills, but their AI still needs a lot of improvement. Coming soon!

• Mana costs of most Javelin skills has been lowered.

• Charged Strike's damage per level has been greatly increased at later levels.

• Lightning Bolt's damage per level has been increased at level 20+.

• Static Strike's base damage taken increase has been increased to 15%, up from 10%. Now gains 1% every 2 levels, down from every 4 levels. Damage per level has been greatly increased at later levels.

• Lightning Fury's damage per level has been increased at later levels.


• Burst of Speed, Fade, and Venom now function as toggleable buffs. This means they no longer have a duration and will scale in real-time to prevent any pre-buffing.

• Shock Web's damage per level has been increased.

• Blade Shield now has a 10 minute duration.


• Shield Mastery has been renamed to Block Mastery.

• Shout, Battle Orders, and Battle Command now function as toggleable auras. This means they no longer have a duration, will only affect nearby allies, and will scale in real-time to prevent any pre-buffing. Their range will scale with increased area of effect.

• Rend's increased chance to bleed has been increase to 2% per level, up from 1%. Damage per level has been increased.


• Cyclone Armor now always increases your elemental resistances, even when the shield isn't active.

• Twister's damage is no longer doubled while casting inside of Tornado. Instead, it now allows twisters to shotgun / hit enemies with multiple Twisters at once. Now also increases chance of enemies being chilled without requiring being casted while inside of Tornado.

• Elemental Oath now grants +3% fire/cold damage + burn/chill chance per level, up from 2%.

• Fissure's damage per level has been increased.

• Tornado's damage per level has been increased.

• Volcano's damage per level has been increased.

• Hurricane's damage per level has been increased.

• Armageddon's damage per level has been drastically increased.

• Wolf Form and Bear Form no longer have a slower base speed than the druid's human form. Shapeshifts will no longer persist if you lose access to the skill, such as by removing an oskill item or respeccing.

• Werewolf now also grants dodge chance. Flat physical damage added has been increased.

• Werebear now gives +2% total defense and additional max life per base level, up from 1%. Flat physical damage added has been increased.

• Fury's damage per level has been drastically increased, especially at level 20+.

• Shock Wave's damage per level has been drastically increased, especially at level 20+.

• Blood Hunt now deals 250% increased damage to bleeding enemies, up from 100%. Life per bleeding enemy kill has been increased to 30 base / +10 per level, up from 13 / 3.


• Bone Armor now always increases your defense, even when the shield isn't active.

• Nullify Magic now has a 5 minute duration.

• Obliteration now has a 5 minute duration.

• Soul Reaper now has a 5 minute duration.


• Divine Storm now has a 10 minute duration.

• Holy Shield has been renamed to Holy Armament. It can now be used with a two-handed weapon to add magic damage to weapon attacks instead of gaining defense, but it will grant increased block chance with both two-handed weapons and shields. Base blocking and increased chance of blocking per level has been increased, and now caps at 75%, up from 40%. Now functions as a toggleable buff. This means it no longer has a duration and will scale in real-time to prevent any pre-buffing.

• Judgment no longer has a percentage mana cost and will instead scale based on skill level.

• Divine Shield no longer has a percentage mana cost, and will instead cost a flat 75 mana.

• All auras have had their mana percentage reservation lowered by at least 5%, except Redemption.

• Redemption now also increases your life. No longer adds additional life/mana per soul redeemed from base skill points. Mana reservation increased to 25%.


• Enchant now functions as a toggleable aura. This means it no longer has a duration, will only affect nearby allies, and will scale in real-time to prevent any pre-buffing. The range will scale with increased area of effect. Enchant is no longer tagged as a spell, but base damage and damage per level has been increased.

• Infuse Cold, Infuse Lightning, and Infuse Fire now reserve 15% of your mana, down from 25%.

• Thunder Storm now has a 10 minute duration.

• Energy Shield now has a 10 minute duration. Energy Shield is no longer removed when you are out of mana.


• Spectral Shard's Fade oskill range has been increased on middle / max evolution forms.

• Lycander's Aim no longer increases critical strike damage against locked on targets, and instead doubles the increased damage taken inflicted by Guided Arrow. Now rolls 1-2 additional Guided Arrow missiles, up from 1.

• Thunderstroke now rolls 1-3 additional Lightning Bolts, down from 3-5 additional Lightning Bolts. Thunderstroke now allows you to hit enemies with multiple Lightning Bolts at once. (Existing Thunderstrokes will need to be temporal'd.)

• Arachnid Mesh (unique Spiderweb Sash) has been enabled.

• Cubing 3x Riftstones of the same tier will now upgrade them to 1x Riftstone of the next tier. Does not apply to Greater Riftstones.

• Standard of Heroes Duriel Soul's Everlasting Pain damage now scales much higher based on your soul count.

• Call to Arms has had its oskill ranges increased to +6-12.

• Last Wish now gives +10-20 Fade oskill in normal weapons instead of casting Fade as a proc.

• Grief now gives +10-15 Venom oskill instead of casting Venom as a proc.

• Hysteria's previous nerfs have been reverted due to changing how "increased damage taken" works. Combat Speeds are now increased by 30% and damage taken is increased by 15%.

• Dark Wanderer's previous nerfs have been reverted due to changing how "increased damage taken" works. Now increases nearby monsters' damage taken by 66%.

• Band of Sin's Sin Beam damage has been increased.


• Legacy's Legend (Caves Riftstone boss) now deals much less damage with Swirling Flame.

• Mechanized Archers and Mechanized Wizards now deal less damage in the Hunting Grounds Riftstone and in the Crucible.

• Griever's Shockwave Pulsar now deals less damage. (Reminder: Griever will always cast Shockwave Pulsar exactly 5 seconds after casting his lightning buff, it has a visible overlay.)

• Ancients' base damage has been slightly lowered in all difficulties. Talic now uses Rend instead of Whirlwind.


• Crucible's later levels have had their +% increased damage and +% reduced damage taken values reduced for monsters. This is the start of trying to get Crucible to not feel like a "kill them before they one shot me" scenario for some classes.

• The Realm of Trag'Oul and Labyrinth of Madness no longer require you to clear waves of monsters before the rifts activate.


• Fixed an issue with Act 5 Mercenaries not showing their skill lists in nightmare / hell.

• Fixed an issue with Flamebellow's Flame Eruption proc not applying its flat fire damage. It now deals 2500 flat fire damage plus 125% of weapon damage as fire damage.

• Fixed an issue causing Andariel's zombies to occasionally cause Crucible level 50 to end early or late.

• Fixed an issue causing Icicle Flurry to show the incorrect critical strike chance on its skill tooltip.

• Fixed an issue causing slot interfaces such as the act 2 orifice and the workbench to not function correctly until the client was restarted.

• Fixed an issue causing Moser's Blessed Circle to not display a buff icon.