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    New Member rocket's Avatar
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    Annihilus Account: rocket_no9

    Calling out NuB-PoRn

    Stfu u fuckin nerd u blow. U talk so much shit for getting 1 lucky kill? Just gtfo out of here kid no one likes u.Stfu u fuckin randass, you said the same shit 3 days ago, and your still bad stfu nerd.Because u dropped out when in first grade to play d2.LOL Y DO NERDS THINK THEY ARESOMETHING IF THEY POST WEED MONEY OR GUNS LOL THEY STILL BLOW @ D2.Ok? You seem to be the only one raging kiddo. They can see how verbally raped u got. Then like 1 or 2 friends u have will laugh at you and then leave u.Tear up because u said Milt should sell crack? Rofl ur more dumb then I thought. Im guessing all the rage coming from u has killed some brain cells. Its ok though, they dont come back.U blow wtf r u talking about? Your sounding like all the randoms that me and the beg verbal all the time.Attempt @ funny joke.....FAILED, GTFO RANDOM.U blow and Milton isnt white u fuckin nerd. Hes black. Idk how a black person is a wigger. Im guessing your native country of Mexico doesnt know the difference between wiggers/niggers.Obviously Milt, he blows. Randoms posting 1 kill thinking they are good LOLOL. Afk gotta togo sleep and school tomorrow I hope not though cuz its snowing.when u learn something about jsp, u will realize we dont care about your plastic guns, and fake money. Ut tried it with fake weed, and got verballed till they all quit.Lol this kids so fuckin dumb. Raging over his "Guns" Y would I learn about plastic hand guns for little kids from u? I could goto a store and buy 1. I guess the pvmer wants to duel us. Milt we Vent tomorrow.Lol. I live in NY he wouldnt stand a chance here. He would shit his pants.RAPED, HES BAD.Jenny u blow stop posting random shit.Milt Driving? LOL. Ill hear his music here in ny. Shits gonna be load.U better come visit milt. We be reppin the streets of ny and fuckin dem bitches all night long.Monica is mine, get over it.Ya I troll rofl. Thats y u spend your whole life on a video game.LOL THAT CLAN BLOWS, AND NICE PHOTOSHOPPED S/S'S, ALL FUCKIN BLACK LOLOL.Thats y I dont play d2 anymore randass? Learn some shit b4 u post. Your rage o meter must be high for u to start making up shit to try and get epride. And can u speak english? Shed some mo tears fo meh? LOLOL RANDOM. Gtfo kid, ur bad. Y would I cry over pixels?Nice fuckin clay randass. The only reason he wouldnt post a pic smoking it, is because there is nothing to smoke. And even if he did post a pic, he could have just rolled it up without anything in there. Kids bad like all the other randoms who try to get epride by posting guns, $, and drugs.Lol kid is raging so hard brain cells are starting to die. His come backs are getting worse and worse. I told him to stop, but I guess he cannot stop the rage. I guess he will just have to play some d2 to get his rage down by pvming. Then when he dies to a fallen his rage will be @ its peak.Lol I love how kids devote topics to me after I verbal the shit out of them. O well, I cannot be beat so they go afk and rage.Anime lover how many times do I have to say stfu and go suck on some kid. Your like 8 shouldnt u be in bed by now? Or has d2 consumed your life so much u dont goto school and sit around and play d2 all day.I sense rage Bryan. Does it matter if they can play a musical instrument? No. It isnt required in their music. They are singers, not rock groups. Its just like everyone else like Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, etc. Do they play instuments? No they dont, they are singers. Its funny how u think everyone should listen to ur type of music, which Im guessing is rock, when all rockers do is play the same shit over and over again. Same drum beat, same everything. Rappers do a lot more then u think kid. Some have been in movies, and a lot will prolly be in movies in the next 10 years, and a lot of them donate to charity. Next time u try to diss out rap for being something that u dont like, learn the facts first kid. You have just been verballed.Cuz ur fuckin gay. I dont even play d2 anymore, and I can still shit on ur clan.Lol I dont even play d2 anymore randass, how could I have dueled ur shit clan? If u want I can go on there and shit rape ur clan 1v7. If u want to make up bullshit lies to gain epride, you will fail every time. I guessed I raged u soo much that u need to make up bullshit lies to look good on jsp. Gtfo kid u, and ur clan, are bad.Leave him man, hes a random who thinks hes good by posting 1 kill, then he gets posted on with like 10 kills and cries that his hdin wasnt rdy and didnt have gear. Y THE FUCK WHOULD U DUEL IF UR SHIT ISNT READY THEN U FUCKIN NOOB.Actually I just verballed u. Im guessing randoms dont realize when it happeneds to them. I will rape ur shit clan make a game.I really hope ur not talking to me, spawn.3 of the same s/s's just added some shitty paint to it, your bad. How u say 1v1? Your partner is right next to you, failed.I believe this was my post, editing... FAILED. Make a game for rape random.I do? Orly? And wat will u do if I dont? Rage some more on jsp? Rage me over the internet kid, u r nothing.Lol kids raged. Gj rejuved.Lol played since day 1? I think ive said that about 20 times, kid. Trying to play it off. You didnt even know wat diablo 2 was until aug 8 2006, then u joined jsp.Y would I want to be one of u randoms? I just have it in my sig cuz u guys rage so hard over it.Actually, your bad duels.And I care about ppl knowing who I am over the internet? Gtfo kid.Do u say anything besides rage and that the shitty clan pn owns everyone?Nothing much, just mad randoms dling hax to think they are good when they still blow. Auto top, auto aim, auto juv, auto duel, auto s/e, and some other shit. Plus d2 is laggy as fuck with everyone duping.Im waiting for u to make a game u fuckin gook.Kid dodges me, he goes afk when Im rdy to duel.congrats? So ur dodging me, Im waiting outside of town, btals costs 20 fg, something u dont, or will ever have.I dont play the game nerd, and I do go out. Im guessing ur one of those raging randoms who think they are good. Fuckin spawn.Btals is 20 fg, I could care less about it LOLOL. Plus I fuckin dont play d2 anymore, just got on to rape ur rand ass, and ur dodging me LOL. Ps it isnt btals, its rattlecage.Lol, I wouldnt talk about original if I were u randass. "you sit on here for 8 hours" WOW SO ORIGINAL DOOD. GIMME UR LIST OF ORIGS. Fuckin random. I see ur so raged that u dont realize wtf u r saying. Ur brain cells are dying as we speak.U towned after u came out and tried to lower resist me, and I fohed u when u were in town. U towned vs me. Plus u fuckin go pvming and dodged me, you blow. I have s/s's of u, wheres the s/s's on me?LOL DODGE CUZ BLOW.Wow wat a fuckin nerd. Stop trolling and spamming jsp random.Holy fuckin nerd. I joined May 5th, and I didnt even start posting till like aug rofl.I could beat that ez. If I started posting may 5th instead of like aug I would be @ like 20k posts.Lil raged there random?Like I give a fuck about reporting you, I just want to know which scrub fuck you are that I verballed on a daily basis in the past.Yeah, and you don't say that every time. Try to think up a comeback you fucking scrub. You seriously only say that. Like it even matters LOL.

  2. #2
    New Member rocket's Avatar
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    Annihilus Account: rocket_no9

    You are a joke. You fucking cried like a little bitch to Donny because your WoW account got banned. Kid is 28 years old, he fucking moved from d2 to WoW. Kid uses his moms welfare and food stamps to pay for WoW monthly, fucking sad. This retard rather pay for WoW, then to fucking eat. Seriously Dipset you get verballed by everyone. You were not good, you were horrible at EVERYTHING you do. Nothing has changed, just give up. What did you think Donny was going to do when you told him that, unban you from vent/d2pk? I don't think so, no one wants you back, that will not change.Yes I lie to myself. Why would I lie over the internet you fucking joke. Refer to last post fucking trash.Verbal essay. Kid got smashed. Nothing to say back? Thought so you fucking little bitch. You are under my control now, now fucking hang yourself like a good little bitch.Takes me 10 seconds to type. Making these kids cry is well worth it. I tried being nice, but it doesn't work for these fucking mental cases. Verballing them int he only way to go now. Fuck you in the neck! Fuck it, you know what? I get fucking psycho when I'm pissed. You keep pushing me day in and day out, and eventually you'll push me past the point of no return. You're a fuckwit who couldn't count with his own fingers. This is the end of the fucking line. That's why you touch yourself at night. I don't give a shit what anybody on this site says or thinks. I have slept with more girls in my life than you ever will. My dream is your worst nightmare. Then you will experience pain for the first real time in your life. No I don't read with semblance of comprehension. I read with unparalleled understanding. I see the meaning, motive, and thoughts that went into every word you type and every sentence you've ever said. I'm omnipresent and omnipotent. Your questions are idiotic, and your posts even moreso. You just keep making your little comments all the time thinking you're fucking cool. I'll turn your cable box on and order 20 pay per view channels at once. It's just a matter of time before I'm balls deep in your bitch. You don't even know wtf you're talking about. I'm going to knock you out in one punch and then fucking break your jaw with a heel to the side of your face while you're out cold. Yeah I thought so motherfucker. Go home and make love to your fucking real doll. I just went QED on your arse, punk. I almost want you to test me just so I can unleash the beast on your sorry ass and be done with you forever. No one here likes u. You think ur cool with ur lil loading bots max of 150 and u think ur god when u use every hack in the game and got raped 11-1 gm. Just leave ur a fuckin noob who joined 3 days ago and yet u fuckin have 400 posts. Kid leave already and never come back. Slit your fuckin writs and gtfo. Im sick of ur lil kid shit. Grow up.Get a life? I have 1 thx. I dont go around dling every hack int he game and then gettign pwned 11-1. Stop riding his dick cuz i think ur the only friend he has on bnet. Ur a lil kid too u gonna cry cuz ur only friend got ass raped ? You and him can both get the fuck off my forums.U wish i would suck ur dick u fuckin faggot. Massloader likes to suck dick, he likes to shoot Massloads of cum into your mouth.Kid WTF r u talking about you stupid gook. Before replying to anything y dont u find out wtf this topic is about. sV casey isnt in this shit at all. Gtfo already ur not wanted on these forums.Hop off his dick? Fuckin random.Kid WTF r u talking about you stupid gook. Before replying to anything y dont u find out wtf this topic is about. sV casey isnt in this shit at all. Gtfo already ur not wanted on these forums.Erage less? Cuz i have more firends in 1 clan then u have on bneT? Try filling ur friends list then come ttalk to me. And like i siad im not talking about casey and a duel game, im talking about me raping ur shitty barb friend 11-1.Wats ur acc kid? so I can rape it. Also billy u fuckin gook I havent been on d2 in a month and u havent been on in 2 months so how the fuck would u know if i go into games or not? Fuckin noob so dumb. And about my druid I made a fun char thats all I have others stop bitching about it.I had to rofl at this. U were on mobile right after u got off ur comp so stfu. 2nd I told u about 20 times to get one of ur firends to duel me and u still dodged. Wat u dont have friends now random? O ya I forgot u only have cory jake and kate. Next time u talk shit make sure to back it up and stop dodging.Rofl @ kid all he says is that I jack off to wins. Sry kid I have a gf I dont need to look at porn like u kiddes. Stop dick riding Massloader cuz ur his only friend atm. And made up scores? There were 3 witnesses of me raping his shitty acc.Kids so dumb. First he asks if he is dodging a fc druid, then he said im dodging my own druid?A good lil friendless boy? Use my shit less plz when only have 3 friends and i have 8 f lists full.I am God.Still waiting for acc name. Dodge me? Your prolly the fat 8th grader cory arent u. And im not random thx. But u sure are.Gook wtf r u talking about. Ur sending me useless s/s which i could give to fucks about. I make ppl duel for me? Kid stop fuckin dodging me and then u can talk shit. I hate when ppl like u all u do is talk shit yet wont get on d2 and face me. What are u too poor to afford a comp or something? Or diablo 2?Actually u didnt tell me that. Less lies now? Im retarded and ur making shit up? Kid sit the fuck down and think about how ur 25 yrs old and u still play a video game. Get a life already.Ya your fuckin dumb. If you dont not get that u were on ur comp and then switched to mobile. Less lies how u told cory to get on when he himself was on aim at the time u switched. Sit the fuck down kid stop lying in an attempt to gain epride.I can stay out as long as a fuckin want kid. Idc how old u r I will call u kid. And there is nothing u can do about it but sit at ur comp and erage. Its also funny how ur on a comp now but no d2? Dodge less.No shit i kno wat aim is. U fuckin gook ur so dumb. If cory did muti sn then he would of needed to log off, which he didnt. You are all talk 4v4 u will get raped i already told u this. Ur leaper wont do shit. Stop thinking its God.ROFL @ RANDOM DEATH.Too poor to afford a 40$ game? Ur 25 im 17, im not a highschool drop out who lives on his own who has 3 jobs of mcdonalds wendys and bugerking. I actually have a real job, and only 1.Lol @ 1.11 spawn. Bwn would ass rape u kid si the fuck down. No one has heard of u and ur noob paint skills. Gtfo pvp forum and go back to Trading.Wow @ gook he didnt spell anything wrong, nice attempt @ epride.Lol @ gook saying 5 month old posts when it was 3 days ago. Everyone hates u and thinks ur a fuckin joke. We all realize that u suck gm and bm. All ur hacks are pointless when u cannot duel. When new patch comes out ur gonna be dodging everyone until the hacks are updated.First off he talked about it b4 read the topic random. 2nd i wouldnt talk if i were u, all u do is change the subject when u realize u were onwned.Thx for posting this 3 times ill post back saying that u have 3 friends and i have f lists full of friends. Sit the fuck down.ofl this kids dumb. He says come to 8ups and play where he has items and gator doesn't, yet he cries when gator tells him to goto east where he has items and apu doesnt. Make sense? Fuckin gook is crying.Hes too garbage for blizzard servers.Rofl i made it thx. Cry cuz u dont kno photoshop at all or even kno how to hack. U try to get epride by posting a fake pw and u think u kno shit. And who would want to suck ur infested dick? No one. Next time u challenge me think twice cuz i rape u 24/7.Its funny how if u rly did hack the acc how u would of kept it to yourself. Everyone would do that. If someone got u an acc ur not gonna post it, or if u got it yourself. Im bad im on jsp on and off throughout the day. Kid ur on jsp even at school thats how much of a nerd u r. Im not trying to be an e-gangster rofl wat a gook. My sig owns cry cuz u dont kno photoshop. Sit the fuck down.Laff @ fake quote. It says i die twice then i enter the game? When did I leave it? Doesn't show it. Your attempt to fake a msg log is sad.DIE the worst clan? That why you and cory got raped 2v2 in die2/2. Your horrible kid u just got raped. Uve been waiting all day for a 4v4 then dodge i ask for 2v2 u go get raped and now ur epride is dead. And even though ppl do goot clan die tryout games to own noobs, its the ppl who join not us who are the noobs.Laff. The kid doesnt even kno wat a keylogger is.Wow u kids are dumb. If u realize they dont ban hacks 100000000 times a patch they do it once or twice, thats all. Ur attempts at epride have fallen.Are u serious? Kid your fuckin dumb, he says he owns me yet he dodges, of course im gonna talk about it. He thinks hes top shit yet when he dodges he cries and says that i still suck. Then he comes on bnet gets raped 2v2 and says that i still dodged? Make sense? Dont think so. Y dont u hop off of his dick for once Tom.I sense erage and lies? Polora laff a sorc vs a welfare din? Wow ur cool. How about Polora vs Suprass, polora raped everytime.

  3. #3
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    What is the name of Diablo . . .

  4. #4
    New Member rocket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pervese View Post
    What is the name of Diablo . . .
    And my clan laff owns u and ur f list of pos duelers. Pm me for rape. laff? Such a nerd. Kid there is no proof of him not killing you, even though I dont give a shit, its the point that u think u r god.Mf clan laugh. For reading 5 of the pages in this topic I realize that tdc is raging, colon is pmsing and drake is always hating on something. I see about 50 s/s of tdc being raped hard yet you Tdc randoms say u "raped" Otf. There is no proof in wat ur saying show s/s? I love how they cry about supposid "6 month old" s/s. I could post an s/s from 5 yrs ago its still a s/s of u being raped how old it is doesnt matter, all that matters is that u got raped by Otf. I could be like I raped Tdc 1v7 I gmed while u bmed, but do I have proof? No. So until you show a s/s of some kind of kill on Otf or any other clan or person for that matter, in that game then stop yourfuckin eraging.Rofl Ut randoms suck. Stop making up bullshit lies that no one believes. If your so "Godly" why do u guys use every hack and mod in the game? Shows how pro u r. Plus u even get raped with all those hacks and mods which makes it worse. Know one in your clan is good face it. You guys think your pro loaders and flooders yet u cant even keep a 150 bot load for more then 5 minutes how pro. You are going to load clan cell r u serious? You would get ass raped so hard your discs would auto break and uninstal themselves. Stop saying your good when everyone knows your not. If u actually do then prove yourselves because so far u havent.He sux in life.our a fuckin idiot LOL, Japan is in Asia u fuckin nerd. Go back to school and maybe u would learn about the world.with ur ra 3.3? Gtfo random. How can u be more legit then someone who doesnt use hax? So fuckin dumb frenchy.Granny wat r u some Asian random? Gtfo kid, ur bad. East will rape the shit out of u.Amor they blow they are trying to get epride but are failing.Mod slave? Rofl kid is that all u can say? And who r u to tell me to gtfo? Fuckin Euro trash. When u come to East come see me, or else stfu randass.Who I am? Why u wanna stalk me rand? Make a east acc then come talk to me spawn.NiceGmy hop off granny's cock.Reporting someone for spam in pvp forum ROFL?? Wat a nerd. Besides this fuckin thread is spam, gtfo kid.Lol? I play east u fuckin gook, if u didnt realize that, then your more fuckin dumb then I thought. Mf Guild? Rofl kid u would get raped by my guild.Ur #1 suckdin. I dont even have a din randass, stop dodging me.No rage, and I verballed u. All u did was call me a slave, which makes no sense since Im white. ok u fucking little bitch who think they r tough talking shit about me ur stepping in the wrong air forces bcuz ppl who fuck with me drop like the rest u talk shit u get hit its the way i live ill steal ur wallet ur shoes and any type of bling u have and go sell it bcuz thats the way i get my money thats why im rich and only 12 i own my own gym where i work out 12 hours a day i can bench 475 pounds i get all the girls i want and i beat the shit out of pussys like u nerds who think they r tough but u all rly have scrawny bones that i can snap in half and also i run the toughest crwe in ny "tough crew" we r near brooklyn bridge we give knuckle sandwitch to neone who come near us i got a right hook from hell i hit u in the temple with it and u wont get up for days my boy t-ridah/lilj_Jfrontin fuck ppl up too, i lay 5 models in my life i stunt on my block near brooklyn bridge and ppl run from my knuckle sandwitch none of u bitches have even got jumed by 8 ppl and won like me cuz im a fucking brawler u guys dont know what i went thru i was kicked out of my house @ age 3 right on to the cold streets of breooklyn i been hustling ever since then building up my money and shit im finally moving on to be a rap star i have a 100k $ studio worth more than all ur lives and ima become famous cuz that ur gonna hear me on the radio every fucking morning my name will b "young stunna" or "dooraghustla" idc but ima be richer than i am now and fuck every girl and beat the shit out of all u pussy nerds for fucking with me so hand out ur address ill gladly come fucking break u in half cuz im not in mood and u ugys r pushing it FUCK u bitch fucking pussy

  5. #5
    Senior Member LordManhammer's Avatar
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  7. #7
    Retired Staff Savior's Avatar
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    What the hell is all this nonsense? lol someone ban this clown

  8. #8
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    Its copypasta from years ago on one of the older patches for d2pk.

  9. #9
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    bitch ass ill kick you in the teeth you nothing to me and i know where your fam lives

    lmk bish
    Quote Originally Posted by nooV View Post
    these guys refuse to play on the chars they signed up
    tweak rules to their favor
    what happens in this case do they get disqualified?

    dont feed the gators

  10. #10
    Wiki Moderator Lampogriz's Avatar
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    old but gold!

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