First of all i would like to critise the gold policy of the server.
I understand that its a free server (well playing on the bnet is also free) but the prices at the gold vendor are somehow overpriced. one hr costs like 5+10 $ ?? you can get 20x as much on the legit bnet from some 3d party sites.

when i looked at the description it was somehow nice:
64 players in a game
high resolution

beside that you cant stay in a game for more than 5 minutes (i cant really blame the admins for that if its because of a ddos) there are not anough ppl playing to get even an 8 man party. the high resolution is broken (the spells dont reach that far on the max resolution and the spectator mode doesnt work at all (you only get the xp and quest but i cant really see whats happening and the game freezes when the spectated changes his location).

better uniqs / sets are nice but it does not matter if the game crashes every 5 minutes