Personal Information:

1. Name? - Eric
2. Age? - 21
3. Location? Kansas
4. General Moderating Experience? Not necessarily any general mod experience, I have been a mod on some of these realms before.

Diablo Information:

5. Account in-game? *Eric
6. How long have you played Diablo II? 10+ years
7. PvPGN (private server) Moderating Experience? Back in d2pk, I was a junior tech support mod, then moved up to PvP mod during the last months of d2pk, and then onto projectD I was also a pvp mod.
8. Why do you feel like you would qualify as a Game Master and benefit the server? Friendly, helpful, I try my best to donate every once in a while. I've been around for a long time and know a lot about this game, and I know quite a bit of stuff about how the mod system works.