Annihilus comes with a bunch of new content, which can be a bit confusing at first glance, especially if you can't read the tooltips because of your client's language, which has to be ENG to display text right. A lot of players, like myself, coming from Europe & other foreign countries, need an additionnal step before being able to play.


Quote Originally Posted by Lucid View Post
...I had the same issues with my german client. Unfortunately there is no language change possible. You will need to reinstall your diablo and get an english client.
Quote Originally Posted by Game View Post
Unfortunately you'll have to install an english version from scratch...
While reinstalling a full ENG client is definitely a good idea, if for some reason you don't have access to one or are simply too lazy to do it, you can force your client to use the ENG localisation, which is already in the game's MPQs, whatever your own local might be.

Eventhought there are several ways to do it, there is actually only one that works without crashes on Annihilus:

Quote Originally Posted by Fara

There is a "Use" file in the "\data\local" folder of d2data.mpq which holds an hexadecimal value that tells the game what local to load which we will modify to 00 (default ENG)

-Make a backup of d2data.mpq just in case you mess up somehow.
-Using any MPQ editor (I recommend this one) open your d2data.mpq and extract the "Use" file from the "\data\local" folder. (Remember to pick the games listfiles to actually see the content of MPQ files)
-Using any Hex editor (I recommend this one) change the "Use" file value to 00 and save.
-Using chosen MPQ editor, overwrite the old "Use" file with the edited one inside the "\data\local" folder of your d2data.mpq
-Play & see the unseen!
For the super lazy, here is an archive containing everything you need (MPQ editor, listfile, "Use" file already edited to 00).

Hope you enjoy this small workaround that removes the pain of reinstalling the game, hopefully Game will overwrite the file by default in a future content patch to avoid the trouble for everyone.

Slaves to darkness you shall remain!