The economy isn't ruined because of mephisto ( even if he can rule the next 5 ladder resets with that amount of gold, but its not the problem here), the economy is ruined by greedy people, a lot of new players ( and i really like them all) are wrong about a lot of items value, for exemple, cow sets items, they used to have a value for a loooonggggg time, and, its like everyone can have them easily. But there value started to grow because of some new players ( 1 in particular but i wont name him) who was only playing here for 2 weeks and was selling cow items for like 50% more expensive thant they used to be.
And new players continue to try to sell to this price, because they follow a guy who just wanted to be richer ( he autoproclamed himself as richer player of the serv... lol) .
And now, people have no real clue of what "normal" item value are.

+ the downgrading system of runes was a good idea at 1rst.
But it involve some troubles: runes lowest than ber aren't consider by players as High runes anymore.
A lot of greedy people dont even want to trade runes below tor or zod because with downgrading scroll being free, you can do ALL runes with 2 tors ( or 1 if you pay for a upgrading scroll).
The good thing to settle this would simply to put a little price on downgrading runes ( and when i say little, its little, like 50gold) so people wont abuse the system.
It would be like :" you have 1 tor, good, you can downgrade it to zod for 50 gold, to cham for 100, to jah for 150 and to ber for 200."
200 gold for 1 ber is not a lot, but it can avoid people to make 10 bers with 10 runes.
you have 10 tor? you want 10 bers? its 2000gold dude.
I overact it but, the point is here: giving people the possibility to make any runes for free isnt a good option at all, it's like playin a baldurs gate (obivious choice) and cheating to have 500k gold. There's no point to it, and it ruin the gaming experience of a lot of person.

Now, runes have no more value, people are trading orbs and dices. But we have to remember, the original diablo experience was for everyone a rune based economy.

I dont know if i'm clear, i dont know if people think like me, but i hope it can make a good reaction ( and not a trolling/flaming post)