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Thread: Baphomet's sell list...

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  1. #1
    New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Annihilus Account: Baphomet

    Baphomet's sell list...

    Hi,I know some of these are free,but I kept them anyway...
    Whisper me *Baphomet(-1) or just PM here. Be advised I'm in Romania so our time online might differ drastically
    P.S: I don't know the prices,but I will ask around,so save yourself from being blacklisted and make a fair offer.

    Essences / Token of Absolution

    Twisted Essence of Suffering x 3
    Festering Essence of Destruction x 1
    Burning Essence of Terror x 3
    Charged Essence of Hatred

    Fragments of Worldstone

    Green Fragment x 3
    Gold Fragment x 2
    Yellow Fragment x 5
    Red Fragment x 2
    Blue Fragment x 1

    Organ sets
    *(this is subject to change,it can be more or less)

    Blue Organs
    - Azathoth's Heart x 16
    - Azathoth's Brain x 6
    - Azathot's Eye x 6

    Yellow Organs
    The Cow King's Tail : x 30
    The Cow King's Brain x 30
    The Cow King's Heart x 20
    The Cow King's Eye x 30
    The Cow King's Horn x 30


    None so far

    - Graverobber's Grand Charm of Storms : 1 summoning skills (necro) 1-28 light dmg
    - Graverobber's Grand Charm : 1 summoning skills (necro )
    - Harpoonist's Grand Charm of Sustenance : 1 java and spear (ama) 28 HP
    - Spiritual Grand Charm : 1 to shape shifting sk (druid )
    - Sparking Grand Charm of Strenght : 1 to light skills (sorc) 5 str


    - Angelic

    - Storm Hide : 2 sin 20 str 17 dex 54 hp 55 mana all rez 20
    - Storm Circlet : 2 necro 2 sorc 20 fcr 18 str 45 hp 59 mana cold res 23% light res 23% fire res 23%
    - Storm Circlet : 2 necro 2 sorc 20 fcr 18 str 48 hp 48 mana cold res 23% light res 23% fire res 23%
    - Highlord's Wrath : 2 skill


    - Angelic

    - Raven Frost : 7% inc chance of blocking 194 ar -12% enemy cold resist 15 dex
    - Nature's Peace : all res 29 5% to exp gain
    - Raven Frost : 8% inc chance of blocking 242 ar -6% enemy cold resist 18 dex
    - Nature's Peace : All res 29 4% xp gain
    - Nagelring : 40 mf

    - Rainbow Facet - 3% psn resist / 4% psn skill dmg
    - Rainbow Facet - 5% psn resist / 3% psn skill dmg
    - Rainbow Facet - 4% light resist / 4% light skill dmg

    Magic / Rare
    - Ruby Jwl of spirit : 40%ed 7 hp
    - Realgar jwl of virility : 21%ed 5 str
    - Realgar Jwl : 30% ed
    - Ruby Jwl of hope : 34% ed 13 hp
    - Jwl of Fervor : 15% ias x 4 (4 jwl's )
    - Crimson Jwl of fervor : 15% ias 6 min dmg
    - Beryl Jwl of fervor : 15% ias 13% poison resist
    - Blanced Jwl of fervor : 15% ias 6 defense / 15% ias 6 defense / 15% ias 8 defense
    - Jewel of Fredom : Req -15%
    - Ruby jwl of freedom : Fire resist 17% / -15 req
    - Scintillating jwl of ire : 2 max dmg / all res 19

    - Scroll of trap dmg : 10% increased trap dmg
    - Scroll of the necromancer : 1 to necro skill levels
    - Scroll of the druid : 1 to druid skill levels
    - Scroll of the Valkyrie : You can summon 1 additional Valkyries
    - Scroll of Attack Rating : 10% bonus to attack rating


    - Natalya's Shadow : 173 defense / cold res 29% / light res 29% / fires res 29% / psn resist 54%
    - Natalya's Shadow : 196 defense / cold res 34% / light res34% / fire resist 34% / psn resist 59%
    - M'avina's Embrace : magic resist 6% / all resist 24 / dmg reduce 12%

    - Templar's might : lvl 7 might aura / 8% inc chance of blocking / 191% ed / 293 defense vs missle / 22 all attributes / 41%slower stamina drain / all res 26
    - K'Nar'St's Ribcage : 66% frw / 5 to evade / 461 hp / 220 mana / all res 26 / 11% inceased dex
    - K'Nar'St's Ribcage : 60% frw / 5 to evade / 411 hp / 157 mana / all res 28 / 19% increased dex
    - The Husk of Kaalut : lvl 5 pestilence aura / -28% enemy psn resist / 30% psn skill dmg / 146 hp / dmg reduce 10%
    - The husk of Kaalut : lvl 6 pestilence aura / -30% enemy psn resist / 38% psn skill dmg / 117 hp / dmg reduce 10%

    White Armors / Base for Runwords
    - Superior MP 11%ed
    - ETH 4 socket AP
    - ETH 3 Socket MP


    - Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth : 11 all atributes / 30% mf
    - Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth : 14 all atributes / 36% mf
    - Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth : 16 all atributes / 20% mf
    - Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth : 20 all atributes / 21% mf
    - M'avina's Tenet : 36 def x2 / 32 def / 33 def
    - Immortal King's Detail : 12 all atributes / all res 14
    - Immortal King's Detail : 12 all atributes / all res 19
    - Immortal King's Detail : 11 all atributes / 14 all res
    - Whilhelm's Pride : 5% mana leech / 10% life leech
    - Trang-Oul's Girth : 82 defense / 62 hp / 25 mana

    - Gloom's Trap : 141% ed
    - Nosferatu's Coil : 7%mana leech/6%life leech / 13 all atributes
    - Nosferatu's Coil : 5%mana leech /7%life leech / 16 all atributes
    - Thundergod's Vigor : 185% ed
    - Thundergod's Vigor : 192% ed


    Aldur's Advance : all resist 16

    - Death's Advance : lvl 6 unholy might / -19% enemy psn resist / -17% enemy cold resist/-17%fire resist / - 20% enemy light resist / 194% ed / dmg reduce by 8%
    - Gore Rider : 199% ed
    - ETH Gore Rider : 200% ED
    - Treads of Valusia : 196% ed/ 20%reanimate as : sperment men / 10% increased strenght
    - Shadow Dancer : 76% ed / 24% dex
    - Waterwalk : 205% ed/ 15 all atributes / 55 hp
    - Waterwalk : 180%/14 all atributes / 53 hp
    - Sandstorm Trek : 153%ed/11 atributes/cold res 20%/light res 20%/fire res 20%/psn res 63%
    - Sandstorm Trek : 165% ed/12 atributes/cold res 15%/light res15%/fire res 15%/psn res 58%
    - Sandstorm Trek : 140%ed/14 atributes/cold res 12%/light res 21%/fire res 12%/psn res 49%
    - Sandstorm Trek : 163%ed/15 atributes/cold res 19%/light res19%/fire res 19%/psn res 68%
    - Sandstorm Trek : 142%ed/15 atributres/cold res 14%/light res 14%/fire res 14%/psn res 62%


    - Magnus' Skin
    - Laying of Hands : all res 25
    - Immortal King's Forge
    - Trang-Oul's Claws


    - Frostburn : 20% ed
    - Hysteria : 48 dmg / -22% target defense / 233 defense / 11 str / 19 dex
    - Puryfing Flame : lvl 7 cleansing aura / fire absorb 6%
    - Bloodfist : 13% ed
    - Bloodfist : 17% ed

    Heads / Helms

    - Tal Rasha's Horadic Crest : all res 25% x 2
    - Guillaume's face : 15 all attributes
    - Natalya's Totem : 164 defense / 16 all attributes / all resist 12
    - Natalya's Totem : 145 defense / 10 all attributes / all resist 19
    - Ondal's Almighty : 19 all attributes


    - Crown of Ages : 8%frw / 189% ed / 118 defense / all res 22 / dmg reduce 16% / 15% inc strenght / 7% inc vitality
    - Veil of Steel : 174% ed / 35 all attributes / inc max life 23% / all res 40
    - Ravenlore : 146% ed / 26 all attributes / all res 24
    - Vampire Gaze : 7% mana leech / 8% life leech / 9 all attributes / dmg reduce 31% / 41 % mf
    - Vampire Gaze : 6% mana leech / 8% life leech / 10 all attributes / dmg reduce 28% / 48% mf
    - Andariel's Visage : 9% life leech / 180% ed / 39 all attributes / psn resist 53%
    - Andariel's Visage : 8% life leech / 155%ed / 40 all attributes / psn resist 58%
    - Andariel's Visage : 10% life leech / 182% ed / 46 all attributes / psn resist 40%
    - Arreat's Face : 7% mana leech / 8% life leech / 178% ED
    - Arreat's Face : 6% mana leech / 8% life leech / 161% ED
    - The Shrieking Lich : 5% cold skill dmg / 1% light skill dmg / 1% fire skill dmg / 3 additional golems / magic resist 13% / all resist 36
    - The Shrieking Lich : 4% cold skill dmg / 2% light skill dmg / 5% fire skill dmg / 2 additional golems / magic resist 11% / all reisist 35 (socketed with Hel rune and -15 req jwl)
    - Harlequin Crest : 7% fcr / 5 str / 8 dex / 5 vit / 9 energy
    - Peasent Crown : 16 all attributes / all resist 20



    - Whistan's Guard


    - Dragonscale : 198%ed / cold resist 25%/light resist 25%/fire resist 85%/psn resist 25%/ fire absorb 18%


    - Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian : lvl 11 might / 428%ED / 36 all attributes / all resist 49 / dmg reduce 11%
    - M'avina'S Caster : 329% ed / 20% cold skill / 7% life leech / 20% fire skill
    - M'avina'S Caster : 337% ed / 19% cold skill / 7% life leech / 16% fire skill
    - M'avina's Caster : 320% ed/ 18% cold skill / 10% life leech / 20% fire skill
    - M'avina's Caster : 315% ed / 15% cold skill / 9% life leech / 20% fire skill
    - Immortal King's Stone Crusher : 327%ed / 5% life leech / 49% chance of crushing blow
    - Immortal King's Stone Crusher : 302%ed / 7% life leech / 57% chance of crushing blow
    - Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye : 1 cold matery / 2 light mastery / 1 fire mastery


    - The Oculus
    - Death's Fathom : 18% fcr / 24% cold skill / 3 cold mastery / all res 36
    - Acid Injector : 268%ed / 89 dex
    - ThunderStroke : 4 java / 174% ed
    - BuckShot : 403%ed / dmg 109 / 155% bonus to ar
    - Eaglehorn : 392%ed
    - Eshuta's Temper : 22% light skill dmg / 25% fire dmg

    White / Bases for runewords

    - ETH Tresher
    - Superior Phase Blade : 15% ed
    - Superior Phase blade : 3 ar / 5 socket
    - Berserker Axe : 5 socket
    - Superior Knout : 8% ed / 50% dmg to undead / 4 sockets
    - ETH Cryptic Axe x 2
    Last edited by Baphomet; 03-16-2016 at 06:09 AM.

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