My name is Alex. Married, 2 kids, I play after dinner when kids are asleep. I'm an old fan and player to D2LoD, and not sure how I exactly came across this edited version of the game, but it took me a day to figure out i had to steer clear of Blizzards digital download copy and reinstall v1.07 from disc. then upgrade to 1.13c. Finally got it working, and was a bit taken aback..Seeing and the NPC's changed and wasn't sure if this is it normally..had some doubts originally until someone in game told me it was Halloween mode, which soothed my mind^_^

i've naively start a pally to make a hammerdin, but I think I'll heed the advice of other posters and make a necromancer for trangouls set.

Any more hints, tips, or tricks. PLEASE let me know. =)