Quote Originally Posted by Game View Post
Necromancers are in a good spot, and aren't likely to receive anymore big changes anytime soon. I do not want them killing everything as fast as other classes, because they have infinite meatshields. You cannot expect everything to be on the same kill timers in this type of game, that isn't how it is designed. Some classes excel in certain areas, while others lack in it. I think it is safe to say no other class is nearly as safe as a summon Necromancer. I've said it a million times but I will say it again, Crucible was not designed to be something to do solo. I am very aware a couple of classes can solo it, but this is a flaw in the Crucible itself and will likely be visited later.

Physical immunes are supposed to be hard to kill for physical type classes, that is no surprise. I have talked to acyroma about this already and MAY consider giving skeletons a percentage of the Necromancer's physical pierce, but nothing has been decided, and that would likely be the only big change I would still consider making. I cannot make archers use different elements, and I wouldn't want them to anyways as that is why I ditched the skeletal mages, I want it to be a pure physical tree to make certain decisions easier to make, such as what curse to use.

There is plenty of gear to get started as a summoner and do plenty of endgame content, so many people seem to believe they should be able to do all content within a week of playing. By most normal cases, this is not how I have designed Annihilus. Trag set isn't too hard to get and it is plenty strong to start working towards the endgame gear. The fun part about endgame gear is how good it feels when you get it, if you get it all so quickly and feel like it is chore to play a while to get it, then an RPG isn't what that person should be playing. I do agree there can be a couple of item slots that have no real good choices for summoners, and this is also something acyroma and I have discussed that will likely be changed in the next major patch.

P.S. Prevent Monster Heal does work on Skeletal Burst, but PMH in general is completely buggy. It always has been, even on live vanilla D2. Sometimes it just won't work for anybody at all, and usually a new game is required to fix it. Anyone who has done a ton of ubers on vanilla has definitely seen this issue.
If a full physical build barb can pierce immunities, so should a necro I think. Damage won't be anywhere close to a WW in anyway. Glad to hear that things are being worked on.

As a small suggestion would you add a very low poison damage to skental burst with high duration? it'd make up for "prevent monster heal" bug. That is a huge problem at the moment.