My vision:

Tier-1 inferno:

- Act5 infero portals.
- Inf cows

First inferno for new players, ladder reset. ilvl < 90 and sligtly nerf quality of drops. Very small chance to drop puzzle boxes

Tier-2 inferno:
stoney tomb
swampy pits
the iccy cellar

better quality of drops and ilvl, Small chance to drop puzzle boxes

Tier-3 inferno:
Should be new areas with mob strength ~ Level 14 Crucible, requires GOOD equipped player(s)
a2 fake tombs, ancient tunnels, act3 temples and act1 caves are good candidates.
Best quality of drops, 99ilvl, chance to drop puzzle boxes

By puzzle box i mean keys to ctogga, belial, azmoda, malthael, etc