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Thread: Ive Already Asked Before

  1. #1
    Junior Member Scotty's Avatar
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    Ive Already Asked Before

    I have witnesses and everything.

    Well a while back before I went to training ( Army ) I log in one day and my Hardcore barb whom I worked very hard on item wise and level wise was dead. I have witnesses who can vouch for my last logout ( which I was very much alive ( in town ) ) So im wondering if theres anything that can be done. This was around the time all of the dropping was going on and people were leaving.

    If you would at least look into this dilemma and figure out what caused my barb to die - I would feel a hell of a lot better because hardcore was all I was playing Anni for the time with ( *Zyrion )
    If you could reinstate my barb that would be nice too but I understand even though its an act of god pretty much it wouldn't be fair.

    - Thanks again ( asked about this before, got a vague answer )


  2. #2
    It's terribly unfortunate, however it happened. One thing I can say for sure though is we cannot restore dead HC characters :/. Nothing on the server end could have killed it, there aren't any bugs that would just kill it while you're offline, someone had to have their life hit 0 in-game. I know crashing games sucked really bad back then but that was back before we fixed the crashpacket, that wouldn't kill a character it just killed games instantly. The thing about hardcore is it is terribly unforgiving, even on a private server. Really sorry about the loss, but my hands are tied on this one If I were to make a one time exception for anyone it wouldn't be fair to anyone else, regardless the reason. Next thing I know I would have people with several fake witnesses wondering why you got special treatment, its just not a situation I want to put myself in. Sorry man. :/

  3. #3
    Junior Member Scotty's Avatar
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    No problem. Eventually ill start another barbarian. I do understood though. Thanks anyways.

  4. #4
    Junior Member Scotty's Avatar
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    Also Alex, quick question... seeing as how my barb is dead... its been dead for a hot minute now and on Hardcore Ladder listing... it still shows that my barb is alive ( which should indicate there was a glitch somewhere ).... not trying to mooch my barb back out of you but all the evidence is there. And it just wasn't any bit of fair.

  5. #5
    When I get some time I will see what I can find in the logs, it could be a long process though.

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