Quote Originally Posted by Game View Post
While your point is usually valid, that isn't the case this time around. A friend of mine (his name is lolet, you won't see him on D2 as he doesn't actually play) does the "outside coding" of the game, we've come to the conclusion most of the crashes from the extra code we have patching onto the game server, allowing us special features no other server has, such as 64 player games. The outside code is all his and he is a complete genius at it, but him working on that has absolutely nothing to do with me working on the actual content in-game, such as The Crucible . We are well aware server crashes are a huge priority but these things take time, as I have said from the beginning we are ALWAYS looking into crashes and ways to fix them.

Just like NeckBeard said, we have come so far since last January, and let me tell you the first 4 months of the server being up was EXTREMELY rough and stressful due to a very harsh attack against the server from an outside source. We were finally able to stop that and have come so far since then. I appreciate you all sticking around and dealing with the occasional crashes, but please take my word for it when I say we're always prioritizing the crashes over anything else, but that doesn't mean I cannot make content while lolet focuses on the crashes behind the scenes. We actually have completely negated crashes (we may get an unrelated occasional crash every so often but nothing related to what we have now) if we leave the player cap at 8 next patch, but we have made stability changes and I want to test 64 player games again to see if we've made progress there. All I can do now is promise you guys we're always looking to improve stability and content, and continue to give you more and more to do than you've ever had to do on Diablo 2 while lolet improves the outside coding.
Sounds good. I plan on sticking around for the long haul myself. It's good to hear that stability is the overall top priority. I look forward to the next patch and the improvements that come along with it.