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Thread: Weekly R'yleh / Cow Kingdom Event every Saturday @ 8-9PM EST

  1. #1
    Retired Staff Xardas's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Annihilus Account: Xardas

    Weekly R'yleh / Cow Kingdom Event every Saturday @ 8-9PM EST

    Starting every Saturday, and beginning between 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (varies on condition), I will be hosting a *public* R'yleh event that is open to a maximum of 64 people. This is on a first-come-first-served basis, so please bring your best character to the event. This event generally lasts on average 2 hours, depending on player amount. The goal of this event is to clear out the areas of R'yleh and the Cow Kingom in its entirety, until no further drops or xp can be made.

    Afterwards, it is at the discretion of the players by vote majority to continue onwards to regular hell cows, or other event areas. Game will close when last remaining player drops out of the game, and will therefore be concluded.

    Please abide by these rules to be considerate for other players:

    *You may bring mules into the game *ONLY* if there is an insufficient player amount for an experience gain. This is an as-granted request. Since the difficulty increases significantly with each character, please ask me before hand if it will be appropriate.

    *If you have an item that gives you 'Slain Monsters Rest In Peace', please substitute it with something else, or switch weapons. Necromancer players cannot use corpse/poison explosion, or raise summons from useless monster carcasses.

    *Necromancer players: Please try to limit your Revived monsters amount to roughly the approximate amount of skeletons you can summon, as to help lessen the lag that other players might suffer.

    *Please refrain from rushing/teleporting to the very end bosses for the chance to swipe away goal items. This is not a farming game. This is a public event for other players the chance to fight the bosses as well. If you are after the R'yleh Cache or Cow Set items with the intent of doing this, please make your own private game.

    *In addition to the above, please be reminded that all drops are considered fair and public game. This includes goal items. Since this is a first-come basis, please bear in mind that you are at least competing with other players that may want the specific item you are after. Prepare for this ahead of time, and make sure you have enough inventory space to pick up the item if you must have it.

    *If you and someone want to start a PVP session, please make your own game and do it there. This event does not have any PVP component to it whatsoever and you will be asked to leave.

    Normal server rules also apply to this event. Do not harass, provoke, troll, or otherwise grief any of the other players. If you join this event with the intent of disrupting normal play for the other players, you will be removed from the game. Also any willful, and not accidental intent on violating these rules are grounds to be removed and possibly barred from participating in future public R'yleh games. Let's keep this a friendly and enjoyable game for everyone, and hope to see you every coming Saturday.

    Last edited by Xardas; 01-30-2016 at 11:08 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Eric's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Annihilus Account: fropg1

    This is awesome Xar! Keep up the good work!

  3. #3
    Retired Staff Xardas's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Annihilus Account: Xardas


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