It's def possible. I'm up to 280. Without facets, enchants or necro maras. That's the on screen dmg. No way to tell dmg with -resistances
It's def possible. I'm up to 280. Without facets, enchants or necro maras. That's the on screen dmg. No way to tell dmg with -resistances
What gear are you using? With full Trangs and all of my skill points dumped into Maelstrom and its synergies I only reached 100k.
Last edited by LordManhammer; 04-08-2016 at 12:24 PM.
i already thought about such high numbers. And i know such numbers would be possible. At least if i see, how many 10% psn enchants he bought :P
if you reach 200k with gear and add 10x 10% psn facets youre done.
i still just wonder, if its the poison damage, that actually kills or if its the cruhsing blow that makes the most part of the damage and the poison just finishes the mob then after...
cuz, im far away from even damaging plaguelands or inferno mobs with my 120k psn damage i have atm.
well, the poison seem to hit 100%. (Just as charged strike)
It also inflicts all enemys in a small radius around its first hitted target (good in cows).
As far as attackrating goes, i dont know how often my physical part hits the enemys, since i have 0% cb so far and can not really see my daggers phyiscal damage.
I'm so bored of crucible.. 7 tries on cain. and I cant kill him. I got 385-435k damage 3 golems maxed. and Well.. I think I'm done I cant kill this fucking cain..
yes maybe but my hp is too low also. I got 2k HP I'm using myself boo with CTA
maybe this is the cause. I need a barb boo to improve my hp. I think thatīs why I cant do it.
anyways lampo I'll see you in game to show u my gear atm. maybe u can help me with some tips or we can do a crucible together :P
how do you die from cain? you dont really need a bo for him. What I do is:
2. Immediately cast 2 golems on him (i only have 2)
3. spam maelstorm
4. whenever you see the black crows don't bother attacking - just spam golems until the birds disappear
5. once the birds disappear spam maelstorms again
6. if you see a green tornado coming towards you, just move to the left or to the right to avoid it
I remember that you do much more damage than me (and you probably have more golems as well) so it shouldn't take you more than 15-20 seconds to take him down. I dont use BO for cain (i enter the portal with around 1600 hp) so your health shouldnt be an issue either.
I hope that helps.
P.S. However, I am sure that lampogriz will be able to give you even better advice, since he is the cruci master
Last edited by acculla; 04-21-2016 at 02:14 PM.