Every other person that has responded in this thread has basically said they don't die that often. I'm not sure why you are, but we are not making the game easier.

Even if dying often was in the game design (which it is not) then it still wouldn't be a problem. Ever heard of the dark souls series? Dying frequently is in that game by design, and it's a very very successful series. Clearly there are plenty of people who have no problem with death being a part of a game.

The problem is that diablo 2 is such an old game that keeping it the same as it was before is just not an option for a private server. MANY servers have tried that (project M, d2 origins, the most recent WoB incarnation) and have not succeeded. People need more than the same old diablo 2 to keep them interested.

You should try talking to some of the top players in-game, most of them are quite friendly and will help you get to a point where you don't die as frequently.