I really don't like the idea of nerfing another class in order to make the class that you enjoy seem more competative. That's pretty much all that you would accomplish by nerfing the Frostmourne and the life of revives. Revives have been just as tanky as they are now even before 4.1. I've always been able to tank the LK with one revive. The biggest difference with revives now is that they do more damage(which does jack shit vs. a boss). I just enjoyed using slow target and teleporting around. It actually shaved a few seconds off of my runs. When you do thousands of LK runs, every second counts

Any buffs to Necro summons will also enhance other classes in Annihilus. The more that you ask for, the more powerful the potential will be for Druids or Pallies or any other class that wants to use FM. This won't change unless revive is removed from Frostmourne. I doubt that will happen.

With all that being said, a fuklly synergized Poison Maelstrom Necro with one point in skellies, skelly mastery, summons mastery, and revive will still be stronger in terms of damage output vs. a boss IMHO.