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Thread: Sorc abyss sphere modifications

  1. #11
    Moderator Mephisto's Avatar
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    Annihilus Account: Mephisto

    Omg do it Alex, my sorc is waiting, pretty sure it will be a beast!

  2. #12
    Junior Member
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    Annihilus Account: WDZepplin2

    The issue I have with flamestrike is this one : why have other skills when sorc skills have the potential to deal great damage - that was done for other classes like necro, druid and assassins where some of their abilities are buffed as a result of that rather than have new skills being used (other than blink pre-nerf)

    Having something that just adds to what sorc already have seems more logical

    I think something like +1 energy shield or energy shield has increased synergy from telekin to help actual builds. Sorc is the only class that can take advantage of a high count of arcane essence charms which I think should be focused on more.

    Just a suggestion

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by wdzepplin View Post
    The issue I have with flamestrike is this one : why have other skills when sorc skills have the potential to deal great damage - that was done for other classes like necro, druid and assassins where some of their abilities are buffed as a result of that rather than have new skills being used (other than blink pre-nerf)

    Having something that just adds to what sorc already have seems more logical

    I think something like +1 energy shield or energy shield has increased synergy from telekin to help actual builds. Sorc is the only class that can take advantage of a high count of arcane essence charms which I think should be focused on more.

    Just a suggestion
    But there are many vitality sorcs out there, and that would be useless. Also what you're suggesting isn't so simple to do without making sorceresses almost invincible :/. The fact it gives a skill is very unique in itself, not many other characters get a skill from an item that they have no other way of getting, I do believe as you mentioned Abyss Blink is the only other case, and it is utility not a main ability.

  4. #14
    Junior Member
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    Annihilus Account: WDZepplin2

    Sorc is probably the most underplayed class for a reason - it lacks survivability and damage without having the most expensive items in the game

    I'm using Azmodan's sorc weapon and armor along with some of the best and most perfect gear and it still doesn't feel as strong as my druid that has half the items.

    My pyro does 40K damage which is really nice and when compared with flamestrike, the damage of flamestrike is probably 1/3 of pyro plus you can't really get higher flamestrike damage since you need +all skills which doesn't come from many of the items (and king jewels will not help either)

    I have -200 fire res from gear and -150 from conviction so it's not the resistances from ennemies actually stopped my damage.

    I just feel like having abyss right now isn't any better than having a skill grand charm and that I'd rather if we stuck with class specific skills to benefit from other items in the game (such as grand charms, king jewels, enchants, etc.)

    Maybe it could just be something like spells have a chance to pierce (like +1 to pierce or a varying % like 15-25% so you can chase the perfect item) or even have it +2 skills instead of 1 to give an incentive to keep it and remove flamestrike

    An other idea could be so that spells can apply crushing blow but that's already on the new santa item
    Last edited by wdzepplin; 12-18-2016 at 04:03 PM.

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    Annihilus Account: acyroma

    The text on the santa item, and the azmodan weapon is exactly the same, just FYI.

    xx% chance attacker recieves a crushing blow.

    There is no mod or item currently that makes spells apply crushing blow.

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