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Thread: Whats with that gold hype!?!?!

  1. #11
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    By updates, I meant, each ladder would have to have a vast amount of "Ladder Only" content that can only be played on that ladder season, and then the items roll over to non-ladder. But, because the size of the community here, and the community doesn't have enough players to support " two seperate, ladder and non-ladder communities" causing my above idea, to fail.

    Again, ladder resets work well in the extreme short term, but cause more issues than they solve in the relatively short, medium and long term.

  2. #12
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    Having a PVP ladder is the correct ladder to have, especially with the size of the community.

  3. #13
    Wiki Moderator Lampogriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by acyroma View Post
    We did remove some things from the vendor for a week at the beginning of last reset, we will most likely be doing the same, for that exact reason.
    remove for at least 2 months, 1-2 weeks is nothing

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lampogriz View Post
    remove for at least 2 months, 1-2 weeks is nothing
    Then you wouldn't be allowed to spend gold for half the ladder.

    That would require the reset to occur only once a year if this were to happen.

    I'm not a fan of the current gold system either as it ''makes people quit'' within 1-2 months of the ladder and just wait 4-5 months for the reset to happen before coming back or investing much of their time

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by wdzepplin View Post
    Then you wouldn't be allowed to spend gold for half the ladder.

    That would require the reset to occur only once a year if this were to happen.

    I'm not a fan of the current gold system either as it ''makes people quit'' within 1-2 months of the ladder and just wait 4-5 months for the reset to happen before coming back or investing much of their time
    Again, it's not the gold system. The ladder system is the problem.

  6. #16
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    People will be going hardcore for the first 2 weeks, I think that's long enough to remove the gold vendor, or at least the runes.

    This will give more of a vanilla retail experience to people with lots of gold, force them to experience the nostalgia!

    I disagree with removing gold for anymore than 3 weeks after ladder reset.

    Also, 2 ladder resets per year seems fine to me, although I might suggest every 5 months instead. The thing is it takes a long time to master all the new Annihilus content, in addition to seasonal events.

    Short seasons are good for veterans, but new players come regularly as well and they might be discouraged if they know a ladder reset is coming in a month.

  7. #17
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    the only thing that concerns me about this gold system is when a new player comes to join somewhere in the middle of ladder and they're just trying to get started its kinda hard to get enough gold to get a char that would be able to solo end game content as everyone wants to trade for gold. yea you might get lucky and find someone that is looking for what you have to offer and they have what you want but with this small community its almost impossible. so it might make new players want to quit because they arnt advancing. gold becomes the currency after a while making the trade market poop for new players. But this server is a work in progress so not everything is perfect either. i like the idea of gold for certain things that dont drop anywhere else like effect stones and orbs and what not because that will be the reason to get gold and do your voting but to use it to get items that can be farmed is kinda the reason why the gold systen becomes currency after a while because everyone is preparing for reset. i suggest keep keys to the chests but no more unlocked infernal chest in there. frags and ench scrolls or the likes would have to look into. and runes gone too so you actually have to grind for your stuff instead of use gold. and also maybe add more items that dont really help but items that people will still want to keep the gold system up and running. but thats just an idea.

  8. #18
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    Well just a few mins ago the active games in the server were 5 (3 of them named o items need gold) and this is a trend of several weeks), it will get even worst till the restart.
    So, two months before the restart it doesnt make any sense to play the game........
    also I wonder who the hell would pay money for gold to sell for items and after one or two months will lose items.

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by val View Post
    Well just a few mins ago the active games in the server were 5 (3 of them named o items need gold) and this is a trend of several weeks), it will get even worst till the restart.
    So, two months before the restart it doesnt make any sense to play the game........
    also I wonder who the hell would pay money for gold to sell for items and after one or two months will lose items.
    Just a heads up, ALL of those games are the same person. It's only natural people who will be playing ladder instead of non ladder try to sell things, this was also very common on vanilla d2 and d2jsp fg. It isn't a new concept, and nothing we do will change it. We will not be removing the Gold Vendor on ladder reset, we will be removing runes from it for a week or so but that is it. The Gold Vendor is convenient, sure, but you guys act like you can get all endgame stuff from it when that isn't even remotely true. The only endgame event tied to the gold vendor is the fragment bags, which if we have to we can remove as well.

    The people recommending to remove the Gold Vendor completely, especially for several weeks, are being ridiculous. It is without a doubt obvious Gold purchases go up a bit right at a reset, which is great for the server. You're telling us to make it so NO Gold purchases will be made at a time that is best for the server. This server is not free, and the time I put into developing and working on it is DEFINITELY not free. You guys may not know this but I put in literally atleast, probably much more, 1000 hours of hard working time just into the patch work of Annihilus in the year 2016 alone. I have a family and a fulltime job, so the small spurt we get during a reset is a small compensation to me so I can convince my wife that it is worth doing this. I love this server and love to keep improving it for you guys, but you have to understand that soooo much more time goes into this than you think.

    I would never make the Gold Vendor a massive advantage, or anything much more than a "convenience store", which is why almost all of the best items are found at place you can only get to simply by playing the game. People who purchase Gold should know they are doing it to support Annihilus itself along with me and the time I put into the game, and I've had some people message me and let me know they're buying Gold just to support me and the work I do. They may be a little less inclined to do if only effects were on the vendor though, as some people don't like using effects at all. You guys have to stop looking at the Gold Vendor as something that ruins the ladder (because it is far from it), and realize that it is there to justify the hard work that is put into this place.

    I could definitely remove everything but effects from the Vendor, but if doing this greatly cut down Gold Purchases then I would have no choice but to not put nearly as much time into content, meaning we would very likely not even be on Patch 4.0 yet, and I think even more people would quit over lack of content / updates instead of feeling a little "behind" because of people's Gold Count. Annihilus has come a long way and we have a good thing going, Gold Purchases are up and yet does not really provide a huge advantage and does not provide anything you cannot get by just playing the game itself, so I have been able to get Annihilus to the point it is at now, and hopefully provide a pretty massive 5.0 update for the March reset. Please consider all possibilities before mindlessly saying to completely remove the Gold Vendor or change how Gold works, as so much more goes into Annihilus than meets the eye. Thanks to everyone who does purchase Gold to support me and my family while I continue to provide you with the best Diablo 2 experience possible.

  10. #20
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    I really dont care about the advantage that the players will gain with the gold... the thing thats annoys me is the fact that 2 mounths before the reset the server stalls, nothing happens............noone is trading, its like a server plague...

    P.S dont get me wrong i dont wanna hate or something like that, YOU by making the server bring me wondrefull memories...

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