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I've been toying with Vengeance finally, and I got to say so far I really like it, but I have one question. What does Vengeance count as because I'm attacking bosses and am not getting HP back from life steal but I am getting life back when I hit enemies which I take it is coming from the Abyss Sphere. Put simply does life steal work or not with Vengeance?
Is there a lower resist cap on conviction right now because I have well over 20 skill points on it, and it says that it only gives -150%?
Yeah, just found out the hard way that's the case. Oh well. Better to realize that now.
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Sort of similar question/concern I asked before, but is Skeletal Burst like Murder of Crows in that it benefits from physical resistance modifiers but not any other physical/melee modifiers like life steal?
I feel like i've answered this 100 times but I will do it again ANYTHING that gains damage based on your weapons damage will apply any on-hit effects, such as crushing blow, life steal, chance to cast abilities, etc. Skeletal Burst is STRICTLY based on weapon damage, so yes it will apply life steal.