This page is to list all of the useful items available to put on mercenaries; including items with points in auras, and items used to build a follower capable of tanking some of the tougher areas of the game!
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Build suggestions welcome; leave a comment!
Warning : This is an on-going project - bear with me!
Until I come across every item in game that hasn't been put on the Wiki since receiving
an update there may be some mistakes listed where items differ between patches.
======================= MERCENARY SKILLS: =========================
These are the abilities available to each type of Mercenary. Act 2 has a slightly different mechanic, being that the Aura type is different depending on not only which type of Mercenary you hire, but also which Difficulty level you hire them from.
For tanking, act 2 and Act 5 are your best bets to aim for.
Although, stacking protecting auras on whichever Mercenary you're able to equip the best is going to out-last another hireling that's under-geared.
Notable reasons to chose each type are:
Act 1's ability to freeze and chill, plus a minor defense de-buff
Act 2's Passive Aura skill.
Act 3's ability to freeze and chill, plus an extra offhand item slot to stack auras with.
Act 4's ability to be.
Act 5's ability to Stun large groups of enemies.
Act 1:
Bow, Helm, Body.
Inner Sight - lowers defense.
Fire/Cold arrow.
Act 2:
Spear/Polearm, Helm, Body.
-Defensive: Holy Freeze Low damage, Slows 50% AoE.
-Offensive: Might Party Damage % buff AoE.
-Combat: Thorns Reflect Damage AoE.
-Defensive: Defiance Party Defense % buff AoE.
-Offensive: Prayer Healing over time AoE.
-Combat: Blessed aim Attack Rating % buff AoE.
Act 3:
Sword, Shield, Helm, Body.
-Cold: Slow, Freeze, Damage, Defense buff.
-Lightning: Damage only.
-Fire: Damage only.
Act 4:
Harp, Wings, Halo, Body.
Plays music and flies around behind you, creating a lovely atmosphere as you traipse through hell.
Totally not made up.
Act 5:
Sword (1h/2h), Helm (and Barbarian Helms), Body.
Stun, Bash - Able to stun large groups of enemies.
========================= ITEMS: =========================
This guide lists note-worthy Unique, Set, and Runeword items.
This doesn't mean that these are the only useful items available. Rare items have the ability to be best-in-slot.
Due to their random nature, it's difficult to include them in this guide.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Amulets: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
With Patch 6.0 came the release of Mercenary Amulets. These weren't able to be equipped by anybody but the Mercenary, and in turn, they weren't able to wear normal Amulets.
These bought a huge change to the way Mercenaries work, and as such, new builds to optimize their effectiveness are still being found!
A list of every Mercenary Amulet of note can be found below.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Auras: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
It is worth noting that when multiple Auras of the same type are in use, only the highest ability level will effect the party, however the Mercenary will ALWAYS use his/her own Aura.
Knowing this, we can stack Auras even more effectively by complimenting other members of the party.
It's often worth a trip to Act 2 in order to get the most out of teaming up with another player.
============= Armour: =============
=-= Defiance =-=
Steel Carapace; Unique Shadow Plate; Level 5-10.
=-= Holy Fire =-=
Azmodan's Shell; Unique Great Hauberk; Level 41. (Varies? Conf.)
'DRAGON' runeword; 3 sockets, Sur Lo Sol; Level 10-15.
=-= Holy Freeze =-=
Duriel's Shell; Unique Cuirass; Level 7. (Varies? Conf.)
=-= Pestilence =-=
The Husk Of Kaalut; Unique Scarab Husk; Level 5-10.
=-= Resist Cold =-=
Elder Of Tristram; Unique Dusk Shroud; Level 3-6.
=-= Queen's Bounty =-=
Cow Queen's Hide; Set Wire Fleece; Level 22. (Varies? Conf.)
=-= Thorns =-=
'BRAMBLE' runeword; 4 sockets, Ral Ohm Sur Eth; Level 20-30.
============= Helms: =============
=-= Concentration =-=
'FOCUS' runeword; 3 sockets, Um Tor Ohm; Level 10.
=-= Holy Shock =-=
'DREAM' runeword; 3 sockets, Io Jah Pul; Level 15.
Short Circlet; Unique Circlet; Level 5. (Level varies? Conf.)
=-= Mass Regeneration =-=
Devil's Bargain; Unique Demonhead; Level 25-30.
=-= Meditation =-=
Griswold's Valor; Set Carona; Level 5. ------ NOTE: Aura requires set shield or armour also.
=-= Pestilence =-=
Trag'Oul's True Guise; Unique Bone Visage; Level 5-10. ===== Adds Conviction to Fire Golem
=-= Resist Fire =-=
Crown Of The Skeleton King; Unique Circlet; Level 6.
============= Act 1: BOWS =============
=-= Concentration =-=
'PRIDE' runeword; 4 sockets, Cham Sur Io Lo; Level 16-20.
=-= Fanatisism =-=
'FAITH' runeword; 4 sockets, Ohm Jah Lem Eld; Level 15.
=-= Holy Fire =-=
'HAND OF JUSTICE' runeword; 4 sockets, Sur Cham Amn Lo; Level 16.
=-= Holy Freeze =-=
'ICE' runeword; 4 sockets, Amn Shael Jah Lo; Level 18.
'DOOM' runeword; 5 sockets, Hel Ohm Um Lo Cham; Level 15-20.
=-= Thorns =-=
'EDGE' runeword; 3 sockets, Tir Tal Amn; Level 15.
=-= Vigor =-=
'HARMONY' runeword; 4 sockets, Tir Ith Sol Ko; Level 10.
============= Act 2: POLEARMS / SPEARS =============
=-= Concentration =-=
'PRIDE' runeword; 4 sockets, Polearm/Spear, Cham Sur Io Lo; Level 16-20.
=-= Conviction =-=
'INFINITY' runeword; 4 sockets, Polearm, Ber Mal Ber Ist; Level 12.
=-= Fanaticism =-=
Insanity; Set Thresher; Level 10-20.
=-= Holy Fire =-=
'HAND OF JUSTICE' runeword; 4 sockets, Polearm/Spear, Sur Cham Amn Lo; Level 16.
=-= Holy Freeze =-=
'DOOM' runeword; 5 sockets, Polearm/Spear, Hel Ohm Um Lo Cham; Level 15-20.
============= Act 3: SWORDS & SHIELDS =============
=-= Armour Penetration =-=
Sss'Haa's Primordial Fang; Unique Mythical SWORD; Level 20-25.
=-= Blessed Aim =-=
'BANISH' runeword; 3 sockets, SHIELD, Ohm Lo Vex; Level 10-12.
=-= Bulwark =-=
Dragon's Bulwark; Unique Hyperion SHIELD; Level 15-20.
=-= Concentration =-=
'PRIDE' runeword; 4 sockets, SWORD, Cham Sur Io Lo; Level 16-20.
=-= Conviction =-=
'INFINITY' runeword; 4 sockets, SWORD, Ber Mal Ber Ist; Level 10-15.
'MALEVOLENT' runeword; 4 sockets, SHIELD, Tor Zod Xer Gul; Level 9.
=-= Holy Fire =-=
'HAND OF JUSTICE' runeword; 4 sockets, SWORD, Sur Cham Amn Lo; Level 20.
'DRAGON' runeword; 3 sockets, Shield, Sur Lo Sol; Level 10-15.
=-= Holy Freeze =-=
'DOOM' runeword; 5 sockets, SWORD, Hel Ohm Um Lo Cham; Level 15-20.
Medusa's Gaze; Unique Aegis SHIELD; Level 5-10.
=-= Holy Shock =-=
'DREAM' runeword; 3 sockets, SHIELD, Io Jah Pul; Level 15.
=-= Meditation =-=
Bane Of The underworld; Unique Troll's Nest SHIELD; Level 15-20.
=-= Might=-=
Angelic Sickle; Set Sabre; Level 3. --- Requires Set Ring Mail: Angelic Mantle.
Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian; Set Mythical Sword; Level 11.
'LAST WISH' runeword; 6 sockets, SWORD, Jah Mal Jah Sur Jah Ber; Level 17. (Varies? Conf.)
=-= Redemption =-=
'PHOENIX' runeword; 4 sockets, SHIELD, Vex Vex Lo Jah; Level 10-18.
'PHOENIX' runeword; 4 sockets, SWORD, Vex Vex Lo Jah; Level 10-18.
=-= Salvation =-=
Azurewrath; Unique Phase Blade SWORD; Level 3 (Level varies? Conf.)
=-= Sanctuary =-=
'LAWBRINGER' runeword; 3 sockets, SWORD, Amn Lem Ko; Level 6-18.
============= Act 5: 2H SWORDS (And Barb Helms) =============
=-= Concentration =-=
'PRIDE' runeword; 4 sockets, Cham Sur Io Lo; Level 16-20.
=-= Conviction =-=
'INFINITY' runeword; 4 sockets, Ber Mal Ber Ist; Level 10-15.
=-= Holy Fire =-=
'HAND OF JUSTICE' runeword; 4 sockets, Sur Cham Amn Lo; Level 16.
=-= Holy Freeze =-=
'DOOM' runeword; 5 sockets, Hel Ohm Um Lo Cham; Level 15-20.
=-= Fanaticism =-=
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge; Set Colossus Blade; Level 8.
Cataclysm; Unique Colossus Blade; Level 10-15.
=-= Might =-=
Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian; Set Mythical Sword; Level 11.
Buster Sword; Unique Whatthefuckevenisthis Sword; Level 30-40.
'LAST WISH' runeword; 6 sockets, Jah Mal Jah Sur Jah Ber; Level 17. (Varies? Conf.)
=-= Redemption =-=
'PHOENIX' runeword; 4 sockets, Vex Vex Lo Jah; Level 10-18.
=-= Sanctuary =-=
'LAWBRINGER' runeword; 3 sockets, Amn Lem Ko; Level 6-18.
=-= Unholy Might =-=
Skull Of The Unclean; Unique Guardian Crown, HELM; Level 8-12.
=-= Vengeance =-=
'KINGSLAYER' runeword; 4 sockets, Mal Um Gul Fal; Level 20.
=-= Vigor =-=
Korlic's Honor; Unique Conqueror Crown, HELM; Level 6-9.
============= Act 1: BOWS =============
=-= Amplify Damage =-=
Witchwild String; Unique Short Siege Bow; Level 5.
=-= Decrepify =-=
'WRATH' runeword; 4 sockets, Pul Lum Ber Mal; Level 1.
M'avina's Caster; Set Grand Matron Bow; Level 15. === 10% Striking. ---- Note: Requires Helm/Body.
=-= Lower Resist =-=
Frostfire; Unique Great Bow; Level 5. === 25% Striking.
============= Act 2: POLEARMS / SPEARS =============
=-= Weaken =-=
Blackleach Blade; Unique Bill; Level 5. === 35% Striking.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Noteworthy Items: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
============= Act 1: BOWS =============
Zephyr; Unique Crusader Bow; -100% Target Defense debuff.