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Thread: Typical FishyMancer build viable here ?

  1. #1
    New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Annihilus Account: ssmsdb

    Typical FishyMancer build viable here ?

    Hey guys, Just came back after a very long break from diablo, pretty much a noob at this point, Normally when ever I started a new toon on retail ladder I'd go with a FishyMancer build (20 RS,SM,CE) and then add were ever needed, Here I've noticed the Litch King skill, So by simply maxing it also will this give me a build that I can farm Old content with until I accumulate some decent gear to allow me to move onto different builds

  2. #2
    New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Annihilus Account: ssmsdb

    Hey guys, Noticed my thread received several views but no responses, So I figured after playing this toon for little over a week now I'll answer my own thread for those that took a look for whatever reason, With crap gear this char been able to get to act2 hell with the only big problem atm being resist and has no problem soloing players 8 Hell Cows once I manage to find some decent gear it should get pretty fun.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Killingtime View Post
    Hey guys, Noticed my thread received several views but no responses, So I figured after playing this toon for little over a week now I'll answer my own thread for those that took a look for whatever reason, With crap gear this char been able to get to act2 hell with the only big problem atm being resist and has no problem soloing players 8 Hell Cows once I manage to find some decent gear it should get pretty fun.
    Hey there! You'll probably get way more responses if you use our Discord to talk to the community, it seems most people use it for communication now, since the responses are usually much more instant

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