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Thread: would like to come back to annihilus

  1. #1

    would like to come back to annihilus

    Hello everyone!
    I've done many bad things because of i had self-control problems and language mistakes ( english is not my mother language ) and there were many missunderstanding from myside.
    I would like to apologise for everything i have done.
    I hope i can get a chance to prove that ive changed.
    Also i would like continue supporting the server such as streaming and making it more popular and helping the community with my best knowledge.
    Thank you for taking your time to read my post and i want to say sorry again for everything.

  2. #2
    New Member
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    Annihilus Account: kelubuzau

    if my oppinion matter or not, i have no ideea. all i know is that when i came back on sv, this guy behaved nice to me and helped me with some items. most of players do that but still, he supported me so now, if i can, i`d like to support him as well

  3. #3
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    Annihilus Account: giamicool

    i learned the server from his stream
    he helped me get items not only items in his mules but he bought me from other players
    he teached me how to farm
    i have seen him get mad once ... because someone else started and not him
    i am sure he understands now

    i hope he will be back

  4. #4
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    Annihilus Account: Ldrago

    Well didnt even played with him, but i think he is good person, like if he is helping others a lot, then its very good,i think Game will listen to you and will help you

  5. #5
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    Annihilus Account: timetolife

    Helo all
    All people make mistakes. Thats easy. But really hard to say sorry for our mistakes. I am sure he learned from his mistakes,
    therefore i really would like to give him another chance.
    You see my english vry bad so i am sorry about this. I like this guy. He really helped for me. So please dear staff....
    give him another chance.

  6. #6
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    when i 1st came to the server he helped me alot with items and showing me whats new and what to farm and so forth i think hes learned his lesson hes been gone little over a week can we give him another chance

  7. #7
    Junior Member Scotty's Avatar
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    I personally have not had any issues with Toly. I would say if he could tone-down/completely remove the hostility he could come back. I have read the threads/messages he has sent but everyone has a different personality.

    Me personally, he did help me quite a bit with killing stuff/he did help others. He isn't the worst person to ever play Annihilus. I believe I take that role, as worst person to play. Haha

  8. #8
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    Im not sure what the final tipping stone which got him banned, however i have only seen him get upset once which was justified IMO. When i was new he helped with some cows, etc. He didn't come off as toxic to me, i think he should have another chance.

  9. #9
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    I learned of the mod from his stream as well. He was very helpful to me and my son when we first started. I am not sure what happened that led to him being banned and honestly thats not necessary for those of us that werent involved. In the end its up to Game, all I can say is he was really nice and supportive to me. We seem to have a really awesome community here and if he can eliminate the things that led to this and be a productive member of said community,then it becomes a win-win for all of us.

  10. #10
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    Annihilus Account: Shocktopus

    Quote Originally Posted by toly1 View Post
    Hello everyone!
    I've done many bad things because of i had self-control problems and language mistakes ( english is not my mother language ) and there were many missunderstanding from myside.
    I would like to apologise for everything i have done.
    I hope i can get a chance to prove that ive changed.
    Also i would like continue supporting the server such as streaming and making it more popular and helping the community with my best knowledge.
    Thank you for taking your time to read my post and i want to say sorry again for everything.
    I'd say give him an opportunity to show that hes grown. I remember when i was a younger gamer I've been rude and toxic before but as you get older you learn from your mistakes let him prove that hes learned and he could help promote the server with his streaming i mean the game is dead in general why not give him another chance to justify himself?

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