Quote Originally Posted by rrra View Post
I know I am necroing this thread, but I was just doing some testing and shuriken flip appears to have ias breakpoints. The amount of time it takes to deplete my mana bar varies depending on whether I am using fade or burst of speed. @Game If it is possible to determine the breakpoints for shuriken flip, I would greatly appreciate it.

Here are a bunch more questions for anyone who has tested this at all.
1. I recall that deadly strike, open wounds, and crushing blow work with shuriken flip, but what about %enhanced damage and critical strike, (claw mastery) and +damage? (Heart of the shadow, grief, etc)

2. Since its a trap, should I assume that -physical resist from both bk rings and amplify damage doesnt work and that the only way to increase its damage is by %trap enchants?

3. I know that life-tap works with this, but what about life/mana leech and life on hit? I guess the broader question is which on-hit effects work with this skill and which don't.

Thats all I have for now.
I really have no way to get IAS BPs for it, sorry I can tell you this though, they do NOT count as traps. They count as a physical attack. Any skill that scales from weapon damage will benefit from anything that affects normal attacks, so that means amplify damage, -physical resist, deadly, open wounds, +damage, everything. Anything that will buff your normal attack will work on Shuriken Flip.