Quote Originally Posted by duderominus View Post
hi, havent died to kaalut in a LONG TIME, and I only die to k'nar'st when he spawns with phys immune+fanat+cursed(yes, all 3). I didn't add eyeball to the guide because there's no strategy involved--tank and spank, no dying.

practice practice practice
I can do K'nars't with my Barb usually without much of a problem, he's pretty much the easiest of them all.
But even he kills me sometimes for some reason, most likely because I don't hide in the corner, I chase him.
But every time I do kaluut with my Barb who is very similar to the one you're using, I die.
I'm not sure why, but neither of the bosses seemed to hurt you much at all really.
Maybe your gear is all enchanted or something, or maybe that was just because the way you placed yourself behind the wall.
I run right up to enemies and fight them head on, I've never been the type to run around or teleport away.
I shouldn't have to run or hide when I'm using the most tanky characters in the game.
Even my paladin can kill every boss in dreamlands, but he dies at least 1-5 times against each of them.
And I have no choice but to get right up in their faces when using zeal or smite, either way I would die with a paladin.