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Thread: SotR Beta Changelog: July 13th, 2024

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    SotR Beta Changelog: July 13th, 2024

    SotR Beta July 13th, 2024 Changelog:


    • Interactive Quest Log has been updated, and it will now manage / handle events such Rift / Crucible timers, along with challenge zone progress, etc. Main story quests can now be disabled so the quest log only shows special events, and you can also limit the quest log to only show quests from your current act.

    • Runewords can once again be enchanted onto warped items.

    • Runewords can now be removed at the workbench.

    • Runes can now be upgraded / downgraded directly from the splitting window when shift + left clicking a rune stack.

    • Next hit delay is now not only unique for each specific missile ID, but also unique per attacker. This means that 2 different units using the same skill will no longer share the same next hit delay, causing certain skills such as sentinels to hit much more frequently.

    • Gold system has been enabled for those who want to support the server, and effects can be purchased from the angel vendor in Act 1 if users desire. However, purchased effects will not carry over once the beta ends, please keep this in mind!

    • Lesser dyes have been added to the angel vendor. Lesser dyes function differently in the sense that they will not force certain bases to display the color as strongly.

    • Melee Attacks will no longer miss if an enemy walks out of melee range mid-swing.

    • Oskills can now stack beyond +15 if multiple items with the same oskill are used.

    • Act 3 Fire Mercenary has had their Enchant skill level lowered.

    Block Rework:

    • % Increased Chance of Blocking is now handled multiplicatively with your base block chance.

    • 2-handed weapons now have a base chance to block, sharing values with shields by item base tier (normal/exceptional/elite) (10%/15%/20%).

    • Calculated Risk keystone no longer prevents you from blocking. Instead, it now reduces your hit recovery threshold by 50%.

    • Elemental Aegis keystone no longer prevents you from blocking physical damage. Instead, it now reduces your total block chance by 50% while granting 1% increased chance of blocking per 4 energy.

    QOL Changes:

    • Souls Collected window on the Soul Grid now shows the location of souls you haven't obtained.

    • WASD keys can now be used for panning the Soul Grid.

    • Screen shake can now be disabled in graphics settings.

    • Elemental conversion is now listed in skill descriptions on the weapon damage line for clarity.

    • Increased Minion Damage stat will now increase values displayed on skill tooltips.



    • Cold Arrow has been reworked as Ice Quiver. Ice Quiver is a buff that increases your critical strike chance while also firing a Cold Arrow each time you use a ranged skill. The amount of Cold Arrows fired goes up every 5 skill levels.

    • Magic Arrow has been reworked as Magic Quiver. Magic Quiver is a buff that fires three powerful Magic Arrows each time you use a ranged skill. The amount of Magic Arrows fired goes up every 4 skill levels.

    • Fire Arrow has been reworked as Flame Quiver. Flame Quiver is a buff that increases your attack speed while also firing a Fire Arrow each time you use a ranged skill. The amount of Fire Arrows fired goes up every 5 skill levels.

    • Buckshot will cause Quiver skill arrows to shotgun when they are shot with Buckshot.

    • Shattering Arrow's base damage and damage per level has been greatly increased.

    • Barrage Arrow's damage per level has been increased.

    • Guided Arrow's initial missile no longer pierces enemies, but the periodic missiles fired now pierce. Guided Arrow will proc the Ice / Magic / Flame quiver arrows each time it fires, along with various other procs that previously didn't work.

    • Jab's ring of javelins base range has been increased. Damage per level has been increased at later levels.

    • Poison Javelin's damage has been increased at later levels.

    • Charged Strike's damage per level has been increased, especially at later levels.

    • Impale's damage per level has been increased, especially at later levels. Increased chance to bleed has been increased to 15% base / 2% per level, up from 10% base / 1% per level.

    • Lightning Bolt's damage per level has been greatly increased at later levels.

    • Static Strike's damage per level has been increased.

    • Plague Javelin's damage has been increased at later levels.

    • Skewer's base range has been increased, and now always lower the physical resistance of enemies without requiring them to be impaled as well. Damage per level has been increased at later levels.

    • Warp Strike's damage per level has been increased.

    • Lightning Fury's damage per level has been increased.

    • Agility has been renamed to Rapidity, and now also increases missile speed and area of effect.

    • Killer Instinct's cooldown is now 20 seconds, down from 30 seconds.

    • Kill Shot now also increases your bleed damage.


    • Maximum trap count is now separate for each trap type.

    • Traps and Sentinels now have an icon / quantity count, similar to other minions. Thanks for the icons Spike!

    • Dragon Talon now alternates between claws, which will allow the Jade Talon unique to be used while in the off-hand.


    • Blood Mastery now increases bleed damage, instead of increasing damage to bleeding enemies.

    • Cleave Mastery now gives +2% increased area of effect per base point, up from 1%.


    • All 3 Spirits (Oak Sage, Heart of Wolverine, Spirit of Barbs) can now be summoned at the same time.

    • Werewolf now gives +1% attack speed every 2 levels, up from every 5 levels. Now also gives an additional 1% attack speed per base skill point, up from every 2 base skill points.

    • Taste of Blood is now a toggle buff that says active, and will continuously attempt to devour a nearby corpse every second. Base duration and radius has been increased, and the blood scent radius now properly benefits from increased area of effect.

    • Feral Rage now grants +50% increased critical strike damage at 5 or more charges instead of increased ailment chance. Now grants 4% critical strike chance per charge, up from 3%.

    • Maul now grants +75% increased bleed damage at 5 or more charges instead of increased damage to bleeding enemies. Now properly increases chance to inflict all ailments, instead of just bleed chance. Increased ailment chance per charge has been increased to 8%, up from 4%.

    • Fury's mana cost has been decreased.

    • Blood Hunt now searches for enemies marked with Blood Scent in the targeted area, instead of searching for all marked nearby enemies. This allows much more control over the skill. The blood nova now properly benefits from increased area of effect. Mana cost is no longer a percentage cost.

    • Feral Howl now gains 1% additional physical resistance reduction every base skill point, up from every 2 points. Cooldown is now reduced when killing an enemy with a critical strike, instead of when killing a bleeding enemy.

    • Rampage is now active for the next 10 skill casts (at base level), up from 5. Attack speed is now increased by 50%, up from 25%. Increases area of effect by 5% per level, up from 2%.


    • Energy Shield will now absorb damage over time effects such as poison, bleed, and burn.


    • Heavenly Garb now lowers damage undead enemies deal by 10-20%, down from 15-25%. Now increases damage undead enemies take by 5-10%, down from 15-25%. No longer has a chance to cast Consecration when killing an enemy. Instead, the level of the Consecration oskill has been increased.

    • Zakarum's Hand now has a 30% chance to cast Hammer of Wrath when condemning an enemy, down from 100%. Increased damage to demons/undead has been lowered by 10%.

    • Lava Gout has been updated to now properly cast Volcano equal to your Infuse Fire skill level without having to be "empowered", as this mechanic no longer exists.

    • Hexfire now recoils 1% of the fire damage you deal, down from 5%. Now rolls 10-15% / 15-20% Fire Absorb, 5-10% / 10-15%. Swirling Flames damage has been increased, and it now benefits from +% spell damage.

    • Kuko Shakaku now has a chance to cast Barrage Arrow when using a skill instead of Fire Arrow.

    • Eschuta's Temper's Nova proc skill level is now equal to your own Nova level, instead of being a static level 25. Now grants increased area of effect and increased burn damage. Missile speed now rolls 25-35%, up from 15-25%. Energy now rolls 30-40, up from 15-25.

    • Steel Carapace activation duration now lasts 5 seconds, down from 15 seconds. The Impale damage now deals 500% of total damage taken, up from 100%. Impale area can now be scaled with increased area of effect. Now deals physical damage equal to 300% of total damage taken during the activation phase, up from 100%. Now grants 75-100% increased bleed damage.

    • Crown of Ages now grants increased area of effect equal to 20% of your energy, up from 10%. Now grants attack/cast speed equal to 20% of your vitality, up from 10%. Now grants increased elemental resistances equal to 10% of your strength, instead of missile speed. Now grants increased damage equal to 5% of your total attributes, down from 10%.

    • Wisp Projector now rolls 5-10 for the spirit oskills, down from 10-20. This is due to all 3 being usable at the same time now.

    • Hysteria now increases combat speeds by 25% and damage taken by 10%, down from 30% / 15%. Hysteria can now only be used by players and cannot be put on mercenaries (This limitation will not affect existing items.)

    • Sanctuary's Balance now rolls 3-6 sockets, up from 1-6 sockets. No longer increases damage taken.

    • Hupadgh N'gha's Quills now deals 300% of total damage taken over the last 5 seconds, up from 100%. Now grants 30-50% increased bleed damage.

    • Tera Flare can no longer have its stats doubled. (This limitation will not affect existing items.)

    • Belial's Tome now increases poison duration by 25-35%, up from 15-25%. Now increases the effectiveness of Debuff skills by 30-50%.

    • 2-handed weapons can now roll blocking suffixes.

    • Flat life implicits have been increased on amulets / rings.

    • Quivers can now roll 1 socket, and will be considered a weapon for rune purposes.

    • Pelts no longer roll +1 additional spirits due to all spirits being usable at the same time. Instead, this has been replaced with +% increased bleed damage.


    • Monsters found in the endgame (such as Amphibian Oracles and Djinns) will no longer cast Blizzard.

    • Diablo's Bone Prison skill now forces a "resync" on the player it is casted on, to prevent the constant desync it was previously causing.

    • Flesh Golems no longer have a poisonous aura around them in the crucible, which should prevent the game from stalling out when surrounded by several of them. Now uses teleport instead of charge when a player is outside of melee range.

    • Mechanized Destroyer damage has been lowered in the crucible and in the crypt riftstone.

    • Fangskin and Blood Witch the Wild have had their soul difficulties switched. Fangskin's soul will now drop in Hell, and Blood Witch's will drop in normal.

    • Hunting Grounds Riftstone's boss and Defiled Grove Riftstone's boss will now drop a lesser soul.


    • Armor / Weapon Racks in the Crucible are now capped at level 75.

    • Density has been increased in the Worldstone and Defiled Grove riftstones.


    • Moser's Blessing aura no longer continuously stacks if 2 users are within each other's circles.

    • Fixed an issue causing certain buff icons to incorrectly refresh the duration display despite the buff not actually being refreshed.

    • Fixed an issue causing lighting settings to be always be set to low quality, which would prevent certain things from working properly such as light radius. This should make it much easier to see certain areas, such as the safe spots in Duriel's arena room.

    • Fixed an issue preventing flat life rift essences from working on jewelry.

    • Fixed an issue preventing Unstable Rifts from appearing in riftstones.

    • Fixed an issue causing certain healing values to display incorrectly in the death log such as the Druid's treant.

    • Fixed an issue causing life drain to display incorrectly in the death log.

    • Fixed an issue causing resurrected monsters to display 0 life on their hp bar.

    • Fixed an issue causing items such as Sanctuary's Balance to keep its socket count even if the "max socket" stat is rerolled and decreased.

    • Fixed an issue preventing act 5 mercenaries from using mauls.

    • Fixed an issue causing potions to occasionally incorrectly display a red background when in the inventory.

    • Fixed an issue causing currency to be consumed when purchasing an item from the vendor, even if you do not have inventory space for the item.

    • Fixed an issue allowing users to keep Bone Armor after an item granting it as an oskill is removed.

    • Fixed an issue causing revived monsters to still be poisoned if they died while poisoned.

    • Fixed an issue causing mercenaries to not receive their damage per level when using 2-handed weapons. This damage counts as a source of weapon damage.

    • Fixed an issue causing the off-hand claw to not deal damage when normal attacking while dual-wielding claws.

    • Fixed an issue causing various tooltip descriptions to display incorrectly when holding shift on an item to see stat ranges.

    • Fixed an issue causing the monsters remaining counter to reset in riftstones.

    • Fixed an issue causing Weight of the World to not actually affect your run speed.

    • Fixed a crash that can sometimes happen in spectator mode.

    • Fixed a crash that can sometimes happen when failing to join a game.

    • Fixed an issue causing quivers to poof when the wrong quiver type is equipped to act 1 mercenaries.

    • Fixed an issue causing sentinels to occasionally not deal damage.

    • Fixed desync caused by restricted skill casts on the client not being replicated on the server while doing hold-movement.

    • Fixed an issue allowing voided rift energies to be consumed when used on normal items.

    • Fixed an issue causing blocked damage to not be factored in hit recovery checks.

    • Fixed an issue causing the attacks per second display to use the wrong holdtype for 2-handed weapons.

    • Fixed items with more than one stack being unable to be dropped with ctrl+shift.

    • Fixed an issue that was occasionally preventing players from equipping items on a newly hired mercenary.
    Last edited by Game; 07-13-2024 at 03:43 PM.

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