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Thread: Tornado druid 5.0 [ Video ]

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Annihilus Account: Scorchz

    Tornado druid 5.0 [ Video ]

    I decided to make a video to make things more clear and accurate.

    My question is : Does the nado druid is in a good spot right now ? considering he take 1:00 to kill 1st cruci boss WITCH HES NOT IMMUNE TO COLD.

    considering , multi other char can slam him in 5 seconds , i think the people who claim druid are in a good spot clearly didnt test their damage quite well.

    I understand crucible wasn't made for soloing content , but this boss isn't supose to take 1 Mins to kill with a nado druid , i cant even think trying the 2nd boss and so on

    And with the gear I have , Witch is pretty much end game , 22k nado shouldn't take 1mins to kill chimera.

    I am not here to whine about the recent nerf , cause i play other char , but i do fell druid needs somethings. maybe increase the FPS to 5 insted of 8 , or increase the damage

    I love ele druid , and I'd like to see them more in line with other builds , I'm not asking to make them like in 4.0 , but just a little bit better for 5.0


    I'm I the only one that tried nado druid in 5.0 ? What do you guys think ?

    Lets discuss

  2. #2
    New Member
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    Annihilus Account: gofret

    Not to rain on your rant, but the video shows you killing him in 20 seconds from 0:45 to 1:05, did you mean to link to another video?

    That hiccup aside, an echoes barb, which is 10x cheaper to gear than what you have, kills about at the same speed, so there is that.

  3. #3
    Junior Member sleezy2's Avatar
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    Hade the same issue with fire druid. With elite gear its just mediocre. Was fun, but when comparing to other builds the gear is better else where

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Annihilus Account: Scorchz

    I mean , i understand the statement that some class has to be weaker etc etc , but with this amount of gear i have , a WC barb with odium can kill it faster or a GA bow zon or w/e , Windy are fun , but fell out of the line at some points

  5. #5
    Retired Staff Savior's Avatar
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    Annihilus Account: Savior

    It would really be nice to see more wind Druids again.
    I know they were overused before, but now they're very underused.
    It's almost like they've become Hammerdins, which no one ever uses anymore.
    Your video shows that the Druid is still strong, but maybe still a bit less than it should be.
    Your gear setup is nearly impossible to improve on so you've kind of hit the ceiling.
    I'd say the amount of damage you're doing isn't really a big problem though.
    I think many of the later Mythic bosses other than Chimera are way too overpowered.
    Even with my war cry Barbarian, I do decent damage, but I have no hopes of survival.
    Even with a strong team of characters will all Max Resists and tons of life, we all die in 1-2 hits.
    I entered level 12 Crucible yesterday with 4-5 strong players in my party and Cain killed us all.
    The second we entered, we didn't even get a chance to move, Cain just killed everyone 1 shot.
    And not only Cain but plenty of other bosses and monsters have attacks that are way too strong.
    Sss'Haa for example also can kill nearly anyone in 1 shot and also any enemy using Magic attacks.
    To be completely honest, Patch 5.0 has had me playing less than any prior patch before it.
    Difficulty is raised, drops are harder to get, the entire server is kind of just getting harder in every way.
    When I first joined Annihilus, I thought it was hard as it was, but now it's on a whole new level.
    I like how the bosses heal now but adding the heal and raising the damage of bosses was too much IMO.
    I'd prefer if their life and heal was raised even further and their damage lessened.
    Getting 1 shotted with nearly 10k life and nearly max everything is the worst feeling imaginable.

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Annihilus Account: diablor

    I haven't played nado druid this ladder at all. But I played it last ladder. You gear is excellent of course. There is one thing you are missing though that would help a ton: an enchant sorc. That was a big reason why nado druids were so unbalanced last ladder. You could just stack pierce and tank stats and make up the damage with 100%+ elemental damage from enchant. With as well geared as you are, you should be able to get up to 40k with a good chantress.

    You killed the chimera in about 20 seconds. Unfortunately, I don't have a good frame of reference to evaluate this precisely. That is, I don't know how fast a similarly well-geared guided arrow zon or warcry barb for example would take down the chimera. Without that precise frame of reference, the following is just pure speculation.

    I suspect its true that there are a fair number of builds right now that just aren't up to par with the very top tier builds and could use a few buffs. It's great that we are increasing/removing the damage cap. But it seems that - based on my admittedly perspective - that the same effort that went into increasing/removing the damage cap should be brought into bringing other specs up to the same level as the specs that are literally breaking the game. This most recent patch did a lot to make additional specs viable, especially in comparison to last ladder. So props to you Game and everyone helped get ready for that. But there still is a lot of potential to make even more specs up to that same level as the specs breaking the damage cap. My main example for this - even though I'm not a huge fan of this type of build personally - is nova. It basically does the same thing as warcry except it has 1/4 the damage and no stun. It could stand to be drastically buffed in my opinion. Speaking for my own self-interest, I would love if nado druids were stronger. I have a frostmourne I can't sell and nado druids are basically the only spec that uses it. So buff nado druids and make me rich please.
    Last edited by rrra; 04-04-2017 at 07:38 PM.

  7. #7
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    Annihilus Account: vaudeville

    You also ought to consider that Tornado druid might benefit from items which will be added later and that's not including a similar Christmas special event/items. I already heard a Cold Armor is in the works, and imo, there should be a Druid Elemental helmet added as well.

    Still, Tornado Druid does seem pretty weak right now with that setup. Obviously some chants would help, but that boss should have melted in seconds.

    I'd also add that the Lightning Javazon doesn't seem to be in such a good spot right now either. Not terrible, but not great either.
    Last edited by vaudeville; 04-04-2017 at 07:58 PM.

  8. #8
    Junior Member tears's Avatar
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    100% agree with you scorch. I think the last nerf to tornado was a bit too much its pretty shit now. I think the nerfs have been blown way out of proportion. It's not like tornado is a skill u can just sit back with and kill everything like guided arrow. You have to be right up on their shit to do full damage and it's not like you're leeching life with tornado. Tornado has definitely been overly nerfed to garbage, which sucks to see because i've been building one myself, but seeing this makes me pretty hesitant to continue :/

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Annihilus Account: vaudeville

    How are you getting one shotted with that much life and I assume max and physical resist? My Bowzon can pretty easily stand up to the Uldryssian so long as I can heal myself by attacking him and that's with max res less than 90% and maybe 4k life with bo.

    On another note, I thought you and some of your usual guys were more than equipped to do Crucible. What gives?
    Last edited by vaudeville; 04-04-2017 at 08:02 PM.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Savior View Post
    It would really be nice to see more wind Druids again.
    I know they were overused before, but now they're very underused.
    It's almost like they've become Hammerdins, which no one ever uses anymore.
    Your video shows that the Druid is still strong, but maybe still a bit less than it should be.
    Your gear setup is nearly impossible to improve on so you've kind of hit the ceiling.
    I'd say the amount of damage you're doing isn't really a big problem though.
    I think many of the later Mythic bosses other than Chimera are way too overpowered.
    Even with my war cry Barbarian, I do decent damage, but I have no hopes of survival.
    Even with a strong team of characters will all Max Resists and tons of life, we all die in 1-2 hits.
    I entered level 12 Crucible yesterday with 4-5 strong players in my party and Cain killed us all.
    The second we entered, we didn't even get a chance to move, Cain just killed everyone 1 shot.
    And not only Cain but plenty of other bosses and monsters have attacks that are way too strong.
    Sss'Haa for example also can kill nearly anyone in 1 shot and also any enemy using Magic attacks.
    To be completely honest, Patch 5.0 has had me playing less than any prior patch before it.
    Difficulty is raised, drops are harder to get, the entire server is kind of just getting harder in every way.
    When I first joined Annihilus, I thought it was hard as it was, but now it's on a whole new level.
    I like how the bosses heal now but adding the heal and raising the damage of bosses was too much IMO.
    I'd prefer if their life and heal was raised even further and their damage lessened.
    Getting 1 shotted with nearly 10k life and nearly max everything is the worst feeling imaginable.
    Just a heads up, damage was not raised on any bosses in 5.0.

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