About dreamland items quality:
Rares just happened. Let Game some time to balance things between rares and uniques. He already started to revisit DL items.

About new ladder:
No more key to tyrael by shop, no more massive free LK items with a good team comp early.
Even the casual player can drop the best rare in game, with 50% Mf and 2k orb dmg. I dont think it was the same in previous ladders!?!

There is always players who can play more than others.
There is always players with better knowledge, who will play in team and be fast. Thats not new to this mod and will always make ppl feel like they are "late" on the eco, should it be 1 week or 3 months after ladder reset.
The economy of a private server cant be OK with 100 players, there is ALWAYS ppl richer due to their knowledge/teamplay/invested time.
What can you do about that ??!!!!!!................ Its just like so.

I am absolutly against makin it easier to make ppl stay or come. (POE isnt easy, and if u dont like it u can go play D3, if that makes my point clearer).
Just choose the game you play and play it by its rules. If its too hard, too much time consuming, just play something else.
Curling isnt very popular, but some ppl like it. If u r playing curling, will u try and change the rules so ppl start playing more curling?
This mod is good. Trust Game a bit, and play his game.
Feedback is good, thinkin you know better how to isn't.

Just to make it clear, thats my opinion, and i dont target anyone saying those things, just thoughts in general.
@Game : thx again for crafts/ rares. Can be best in slot AND doesnt require any special uniques to get. A.K.A. even a totally unstuffed new starter can loot rares, or gather perfect gems + jewels + low runes, unless he doesnt wanna make the effort.