If drop rates are going to be nerfed on dreamland items then they would need to all be buffed to make them worth farming for. The only reason that I bothered to farm that zone repeatedly was for Pboxes. The fact that I found a couple con rings was nice but not much else was of any worth to players as far as trade goes. At least for the players that actually have the currency to trade for the items. Those top tier players have already moved on to farming Crucible items. What the hell do they need a Husk of Kaluut for?

Which brings me to my next point. The drops rates that are being suggested here are coming from a guy who is farming with the absolute best gear in the game and who farms with a group of other top players. Of course he will think that everything is too easy to come by. I think that making changes based on the experiences of a chosen few that sit at the very top of the food chain would be foolish at the very least.

As more and more end game gear is added to the server, the gap created between the average player and the 1337 Haxor players will only increase. This is just what happens. It's not necessarily a bad thing but catering to those elite few because they want the items that they are hoarding to be worth more is only going to ruin the fun factor of this sacred game