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Thread: (hopefully simple) gear diversity suggestions for class progression

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Annihilus Account: duderominus

    (hopefully simple) gear diversity suggestions for class progression

    If you want more specific suggestions for sets, please holler and I'll go through every piece with a comb.

    To add a step/diversity to gear progression for amazons, I'd reccomend turning Lycander's Aime and Blood Raven's Charge into mini Frost Fires(scaled accordingly). I chose these specific bows because they are already zon-specific, don't get any love, and they seem adequately rare(compared to mav's bow). I'm sure there's other ways to may non mav/non FF zons viable, but those two are so successful, I think it's worth expanding, rather than trying to make physical bowazons viable(which has been mostly impossible since 2001)

    For phys/melee damage barbs/druids/paladins, buffing Sazabi's set, Heaven's Brethren, hwannin's majesty and orphan's call to be on par with the current class sets would free these classes from their class sets and open up a lot of slots to play with. It'd also allow IK's origional weapon to come back, or could be replaced by a better 2-hander than an ogre maul, like a thunder maul(or better yet, a war pike), and we'de see WW barbs again.

    To make Tal Rasha's set more comparable to other class sets, I'd raise the level of the conviction aura on the armor. It's just too short ranged and slow to apply to make it particularly useful.

    For all other casters, buffing Sander's Folly and the Disciple set with things like +5-10 skills would allow people some wiggle room in what set they're going to build into.

    Other random suggestions for once high-end items(partly to make nostalgic items relavent):


    dracul's grasp: lifetap proc 5% -> 15%, add +1 skills(to make it more viable vs already buffed stuff)

    souldrainer's: remove weaken proc(consistency for building characters)


    Andariel's Visage: revert poison nova proc(new constant procs are an annoying light show)


    Shadow Dancer: add -5% - -10% enemy fire resists(since lightning asn have high voltage)


    verdungo's: +1 skills, +20 FHR(total)

    arachnid mesh: +2 skills(total)

    goldwrap: +50% magic find(total; goldwrap still only has +2 belt rows, so it's still a double edge sword)

    Thundergod's vigor: +20% lightning absorb(instead of +20; may be OP)

    armor(oh boy):

    Shaftstop: +200% damage, extra defense(id expect people to want to up this to elite)

    Skin of the vipermagi: +5% max resists

    Skullder's Ire: cow queen's MF aura(name escapes me), +3 all skills(total)

    Guardian Angel: +200% damage, extra defense


    lidless wall: +3 skills(since rares now spawn with +3 skills), 15% DR(to make it closer to par with other unique shields)

    I really appreciate the work ya'll have put in already, especially with Bul-katho's children. The availability and viability of those swords gave me a nostalgia trip so good it got me hooked on Annihilus.
    Last edited by duderominus; 07-15-2016 at 05:56 AM.

  2. #2
    I've wanted to buff older items, and did so in 4.0, but I didn't get to all of them because it seems people blow by them so fast and get to higher items :/. These are a lot of nice suggestions though! I'll see what I can do in 4.1.

  3. #3
    Senior Member LordManhammer's Avatar
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    Ellensburg, WA USA
    Annihilus Account: manbeerpig

    I definitely like the idea of buffing the non-class specific sets. Another idea to explore perhaps would be sets that get thier full bonuses with five pieces but have six total pieces available. Like an IK set that has both a one hander and a two hander that could be used or even a variant that doesn't require a weapon at all. If you want to encourage people to try WW then that would be the way to go. I especially think this would be good for Zons. Being able to choose between a Javalin and a Bow for the Mav set would be pretty cool.

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