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Thread: Price List

  1. #1
    Regular Member bgtomsk's Avatar
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    Annihilus Account: bgtomsk

    Price List


    Have you ever seen someone asking price on any item?
    I think for the most players here the answer will be AW YISSS.
    A lot of players ask the price of a newly acquired item.

    So, what if we make a list of recommended prices for useful gear that is 1hr+? So every member of our community can check the price when he finds an item and see wether it worth something or not.

    Why we need this?
    1) This may exclude the possibility of cheating inexperienced players.
    2) All players who answer questions like "how much does the skull of unclean cost?" will be able to breathe easily again.
    3) I've heard that for each new item in the list, the moderator mentally kisses you on the cheek.

    We can split this work and everyone who is interested in making this list, can take one item type and prepare price list for it.

    For ex: 1 person takes boots, 2nd - gloves, etc...


  2. #2
    New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Annihilus Account: Subxeno

    Well, a few prices I know (kind of, based on trades)


    Plaguebringer= 1 HR
    Trags Mark= 5-8 HRs? Can't remember, they're valuable
    Key of Justice= 2 HRs?
    Azanoth Organ Set= 1 HR? (Traded almost 2 sets plus cow king set, 2 Vex 2 Gul for Constricting Ring)
    LK Boots=1HR(ish)
    Druid Prime Charm(+1 Tornado) 4-7 HRs
    Druid Prime Charm(+2 Tornado) 15+ HRs?

    These are just a few I've seen, they could be way off, but it may help a couple people, who knows

  3. #3
    Regular Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Annihilus Account: nedamettin


    Mark of Trag'Oul = 3
    Key of High Heavens = 4
    Cthogga Box = 3
    350 gold = 1
    Divine Gem Set = 2
    2 Blue Organ Sets = 1


    1 HR for Tal's, IK, Gris, Mav, Trag, Nat, Aldur

    Cow: 12~ (4x3)
    Physical: 4-5
    Caster: 6-8

    Would give you some ideas. LK items (dagger, boots and belt) costs 1-2 depending on rolls.

    Most valuable stuff are: Tornado/Explosive/LM (put any main build skill here) Annihilus with +3 to BO. Tyrael's Might armor, Sanctuary's Balance armor, El'Druin and Frostmourne. King jewels are best for some builds (specially ele oriented) and - physical res Horadric Jewels are best for physical built characters. Kings worth 4-8 depending on the trade you got and class, Horadric jewels go for 2-5 depending on class and needs of the buying party. I personally buy fire Horadric jewels for 4 HRs each. Frostmourne costs about 30 HRs and El'Druin is too rare to give it a static price. Sanctuary's Balance has 8 HR price at least but varies a lot, so a great roll Sanc would be one of the rarest/most valuable item in game. A good roll Tyrael's Might would worth as much as a "great roll Sanc" I mentioned. Rolls aren't as severe as Sanc's, but each attribute matters because of the very important "stat bugging" which allows you to save valuable character stat points you may use on vitality instead of STR to meet the item requirements.

    I personally have some of those items (Sanc, FM and Tyrael's) and mines got pretty good stats. Tyrael's even have perfect attribute roll (150) on it I don't think you can trade those items for anything unless you get a full character pack or mass amounts of gold.

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