I understand your responses. I banned you so you could cool off. You were clearly heated, and nothing good was going to come of you continuing to insult the staff on the realm, which is against the rules and deserving of a ban regardless of if you felt provoked or not.

As far as the items are concerned, They were given to you in the understanding that it was part of a clan gear share, it is not up to you to decide if the clan did or did not deserve the items back. The clan DID deserve the items back.

You broke the rules when you decided to keep those 2 items, whether you agree with that or not. I would have been justified to ban you right then and there for THEFT.

You would not have been mistreated if you had not mistreated the clan in the first place. Do not slide the blame off to somebody else when this is 100% YOUR fault. You are the person who is to blame here, not us.

If you plan to continue to play here after your ban is lifted 24 hours from now then I suggest you re-familiarize yourself with the rules here. Just know, however, that we are not going to change our rules to accomodate what actions you think should and should not be taken. That is up to game and I, not you.

If you wish to continue this discussion feel free to send me PM.