This seems like a great Idea if the server had more clans but since LocK clan is the only active clan it's kind of unfair.
The current event ladder looks like this...

1) - Clan LocK 24 points
2) - rra 6 points
3) - Parc 4 points
4) - pozdramiam 3 points
5) - About20Pandas 2 points
6) - Sadpacakez 2 points
7) - Clan Cruc 2 points
8) - diablor - 2 points
9) - Tears 2 point
10) - Qne 1 Point
11) - TehBigNutSack 1 point
12) - Tenebrae 1 point
13) - saesa 1 point
14) -
15) -

Obviously LocK clan is going to win every single event ladder and always keep gaining 6k gold every time.
I'd say hold off on this idea and just wait until there are more clans around or else no one else can ever hope to beat clan LocK.
If the entire clan had seperate points I'm sure "rra" in 2nd place would at least be closer to 1st than he is....
Just kind of seems like there's no way to ever win 1st as long as events are setup with Clans sharing points.