Quote Originally Posted by Savior View Post
I'm hoping for more clans on Annihilus also more than anything, and not even for events just because clans are great.
And like I said before, I''ve been planning to make one of my own eventually next ladder when I get motivated enough.
I wasn't insinuating that LocK clan made the Clan Event Ladder for their own benefit or anything.
Because with or without it you guys would still earn just as much if not more individually.
I just don't like how it seems like the 1st prize is off limits to solo players and always will be.
And in due time, the entire event ladder will be full of clans and no solo players will ever have a chance.
I love clans, but I think events we're originally designed to be a solo experience to begin with.
No matter what anyone says, I believe a Solo Event Ladder is 100% necessary.
A clan event ladder seems like a secondary idea when compared to a solo one, or at least to me it does.
But I don't even play events anyways, I just love Annihilus and want it to grow and be fun for all types of players.
An added clan event ladder with separate prizes would be great eventually when there were more clans.
But as of right now, I just don't like how there's 1 clan and that 1 clan for the moment will always gain 1st prize.
There cannot be both. Some of our members would be ''doubling up'' on event ladder winnings, and people arent going to like that either.