Necromancer Vs Necromancer First to 5 (FT5) Event

Hosted by: LocKziLLa
Assisted by: RandomOnions / Acyroma
Server: D2PK

Date/Time: December 10 @ 8:00 PM EST
Signups open at: 7:30 PM EST

This Tournament is: Necromancer vs Necromancer FT 5. Gold Prizes and Signup Requirements Listed Below.

Gold Prizes:
1st Place (2000 Gold)
2nd Place (1000 Gold)
3rd Place (500 Gold)

*3rd Place (750 Gold)
*4th Place (500 Gold)
*5th Place (250 Gold)

* = If at least 7 (seven) people or more sign up, prize groups increases.

General Dueling Rules:
-level 99 characters only
-duels take place in the blood moor
-must clear moor before dueling
-no thawing/antidote pots
-no rejuvs/hp pots
-no shrines/wells
-no mercs
-no doom
-no prebuffing (cube inventory is ok)
-max resist of any element is 85%* (or 5% max and 20% sorb)
-max absorb of any element is 20%*
-can't use any +max resist or +%absorb with rising sun, tgods, or luna
-life replenish is capped at 40 (exception of 52 for barbs with angelics)
-max poison off items is 451
-no more then 10% slow off items (with the exception of arach)
-no casting charges from items(unless agreed upon by both parties)
-you are allowed to stack mana pots in blood moor only if both parties agree to it.
*don't combine more then 1-5% max with more then 20% absorb

NvN Extra Rules:
-Poison is not allowed.
-No Curses allowed.
-Only summon allowed is clay golem.
-No bone spirit.
-No excessive teething.

SIGN UP LIKE: *Lockzilla / Lockzilla / Trap Assassin.