Quote Originally Posted by Addah View Post
@acyroma @Game

Yes that's pretty cheap, but it would only be viable for the sake of inferno cows or a full game clear of content to compensate those runes, not to mention deaths.

I think Iron golem is essentially useless in its current state because there's better golems for tanking situations, although I still don't understand how aggro works on diablo 2.

It's not overpowered to add this aura in some capacity to summoner, I hope you don't just ask why but also why not.

With all the damage reduction on summons this aura will not be abusable.
Iron Golem is the best tank... how is there better golems for tanking? lol :/. Monsters all have a threat number, monsters with higher threat are likely to be the target of nearby enemies attacks. I do believe I have Iron Golems the highest, not to mention it has much higher physical resist than any other golem, and it can bring just about any aura you want to bring with it, or put high crushing blow on him, or whatever you want to do with him. If your Iron Golem dies you must have let him get beat on for days.