lvl 1 skill

Multi shot
0.5 mana/lvl
15% dmg/lvl
synergy with guided arrow,magic arrow and bow mastery x%/lvl

lvl 12 skill

Guided arrow
17% dmg/lvl
arrow seek range 12 yards
synergy with multi shot,magic arrow and bow mastery x%/lvl

lvl 24 skill

Bow mastery
-1% to enemy physical resistance/lvl
18% dmg/lvl
synergy with multi shot, guided arrow, magic arrow x%/lvl
lvl 30 skill

Magic arrow
-2% to enemy magic res/lvl
+100% magic dmg/lvl
synergy with multy shot, guided arrow, bow mastery x% magic dmg/lvl

multy shot mana is bc to make it actually useable in the early game, high lvl skill can still have brutal mana drain.
guided arrow now hits multiple targets , like a ricoshet i guess when there is multiple enemies , when single target then starts to benefit from pierce.

leave your ideas also.