I wouldn't buy it, its so easy to get to level 85-90, Couple hell cows and ur there.. I rather not see the potion to be honest this will ruin hell cows even more, new people will also have a bad feeling about this. Like now we tell m to go hell cows or inferno cows to level up, we tell them to buy a potion will be the easiest way now?

I can see it scaring new people, thinking everything works with gold! I rather see sets at vendor ( A cube-able item that gives 3 Pieces of any high tier set, Aldurs, IK, Tal etc etc. ) by that I mean, 3 Random pieces of a high tier set, for example you could get:

Griswold Armor, Ik helm, Mavina bow from it, or be lucky and get: Ik Armor Ik Wep Tal Belt. This means magic finding / trading it will still be the best way to get it and not ruin it. Price should be around 100 gold for this '' cube-able ''.

Just saying hell cows will just show people how good stuff it drops, and high runes etc. It's a step people should learn and not skip!