Well heres my opinion and it brings me to your point of being burned out. Idk if this is the case for everyone but for me im burned out of farming maps and cows and all that. Not saying i want them to drop easy but im just trying to think of ideas to help expand and make it to where we dont get burned out so easily of the content weve all done since reset.

And to thunder. I have 2 chars right now that can do trials. Summon necro which can do 4/6 using the proc from deaths fervor and orb sorc which can do all 6 with just pure skill. But yea thats a reason ive gotten burned out because we all lvled a good 5-20 chars to do trials so we can get items. He onlything im not going to attempt is ws map because before the buff to it i could barely handle the place as it was. I dont play the meta classes so its kinda hard for me to keep up also but also prolongs the game and out of this whole ladder i started to stop playing 2 weeks ago because i feel like im at a stand still unless i wanna farm skulls or farm pages which im burned out from. Also try making new chars to see whats good and what isnt. I know game here said psn necro can clear maps in 60 seconds but i highly doubt thats possible since husks proc doesnt work the way he said it does so its up to us(the community) to do the testing and let him know ideas and suggestions to make this game better