Quote Originally Posted by Game View Post
The issue with this logic is you're ONLY looking at the buy gold prices, which is definitely not the only way to obtain gold. You get 100 per referral and 60 per day just for coming to the website and clicking 3 links. We cannot only look at the dollar price, as buying gold is mostly to support the server anyways, not strictly for the reward of the items. They are just a bonus.
im sure no one buys low runes anyway, they are easy to farm and its much more worth it to just save up for other items to spend gold on.
this could just be helpful for say someone who just starts, or purely for convenience since anything under Hel doesnt really have alot of value and imo defiantly not worth spending gold on.

i think everything else in the shop is priced fairly. im happy with how it is now because i got a mule with 3+ of every low rune but just a suggestion.