Not meaning to thread resurrect, but I figured I got one last umph to add to this thread, so here goes:

* Act 1 merc should get her own set called Kashya's Scout Expedition; demonhead, wire fleece, hydra bow

* Act 2 merc gets his set called Greiz's Town Patrol; giant thresher, lacquered plate, corona

* Act 3 merc's set is called Asheara's Jungle Safari; phase blade, shadow plate, spired helm

* Act 5 merc's set is Qual-Kehk's Strategic Campaign; colossus blade, sacred armor, guardian crown

* Act 4's new merc: I changed my mind; fucking Mario RPG that goes around wrecking shit with Chthulu and Cow set

* Amazon's Valkyrie: This should be changed into Robocop from the Genesis game, Robocop vs The Terminator. Sure it'll look half-assed being only 2d sidescroller and all, but it fires instakill bullets. What's wrong with that?

* Act 3 fetish and soul killers are changed into Marios and Luigis running up to you in the same exact fashion, all the same wanting to kick your ass.

* New boss: Agahnim from Link to the Past will fire random sorceress spells at you. Plays the boss music too.

* D2 Pets! Each player can buy a pet that costs 1 gold that is based on some of the random animals found during the entire game. They can all each have one level 1 paladin aura.

* I'm out of ideas atm; your turn.