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Thread: Xardas' Long List of Suggestions (oh dear god)

  1. #1
    Retired Staff Xardas's Avatar
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    Xardas' Long List of Suggestions (oh dear god)

    So here I am with my very own wish list. I'm doing this to see who might be on board with some of these ideas. Some of them are obviously stupid. Others might even be practical. As something can only exist if enough people believe in it, never say never.

    * Runewordable EVERYTHING. This includes sets, as Mappo deserves it.

    * Necromancer: Rework the summoning tree to include demonology, as well as summoning other types of undead skills (Ghost, Zombie, etc) at the expense of golems and revives. Demons means anything from the Chaos Sanctuary, and undead is anything based on Act 1; introduce a Necroarcher.

    * Sorceress: Inherits necromancer's fire golem, or can summon an ice golem, or a shock golem. Also each with their own mastery skill. Those too can use relevant sorceress skills.

    * Palidin: Revive is rebranded to mean to reviving dead players as long as they have not canceled out into town, as well as get back all the xp they have lost. His auras can stack with and enhance Act 2 merc's based on level percentage.

    * Amazon: Ride of the Valkyries skill, where she can summon multiple Valkyries akin to a necromancer, but very limited to something like 6 of them.

    * Barbarian: Call Ancients skill; once he beats the Arreat Summit quest, can can call one of these Ancients as a sidekick (or all 3?). Barbarian Siege skill; He uses five Barbarian npcs from Act 5 as throwaways.

    * Druid: Inherits necro's Iron Golem and Clay golem, each with their own mastery skill. Crows do a hell of alot more damage (like +100/skill). He can summon twice and many wolves and bears. Aldur's Watchtower set should probably add a shield, gloves, and boots too.

    * Assassin: Shadow Warrior; She summons Lo Wang to do her asskicking for her. Two Wangs are better than one.

    * Act 1 merc: Able to use Amazon only gear. Can benefit from M'avina's set.

    * Act 2 merc: Give him better more Auras to choose from. Hwanin's Majesty loses the belt.

    * Act 3 merc: Have him use ALL sorceress skills based on his type. He uses his sword a HELL of alot more. Can also teleport. Can complete Griswold's.

    * Act 4 merc: This is Izual. He uses ONLY two handed swords.

    * Act 5 merc: Change his sprite around so he looks like the generic npc you see during the siege. He can now use two weapons at once. Can complete Bul Katho's set.

    * Tomb Reaver: >> 50% chance to reanimate as Horror/mage/archer

    * New player class: The Nameless One.

    * Immortal King: No longer uses the weapon so Barb can use Bul Kathos as well.

    * Griswold's weapon is changed to a Phase Blade as the weapon. Completable on the Act 3 merc.

    * Plausable Act 6: Diablo 2's interpretation of the original game; Takes place back in time in original Tristram, along with Deckard Cain for doing every service the player needs. Reuses tile sets from other acts to mimic the original layout of Diablo 1's dungeons.

    * Trang-Oul set gets back the fire skills (pretty please?).

    * All elite class-only sets get +1 to teleport.

    * 100% chance to reanimate as howdoyouturnthison

    * Reusable quests: Charsi, Larzuk, Akara, and Anya.

    * Sazabi's shouldn't suck anymore.

    * Neither should Isenhart's.

    * I think the Cow Kingdom should be accessable from regular hell cows, and Ryleh be much expanded on.

    * Heaven's Brethren would be MUCH better off as a Palidin set.

    * Every new character should start off with a crappy set to complete, such as Vidala's, Berserker's, Milabrega's, etc.

    * Trebuchets should fire meteors.

    * Is it possible to restore the original title theme song?

    * Or alternative final boss, The Transcendant One.

    * I'm out ideas guys, your turn.

  2. #2
    New Member
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    100% chance to reanimate as howdoyouturnthison. A+ for that one

  3. #3
    A lot of cool ideas, and a lot of impossible ones 2.3 is pretty far along (in my head anyways). I may post some teasers soon! This is a huge list by the way, I really enjoy things like this. A lot of these were some things ive very much so considered doing, but never got around to it. Maybe I will now!

  4. #4
    Retired Staff Dante's Avatar
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    Yes plenty of cool and fun ideas. Some over the top, but inspiring

    I like the idea of summon necro rework. Maybe not as much changes as you would bring but definitely help it some. Dual-wield for a5 mercs is also a very good idea and should be fairly easy to do.

    Also the idea with a more support pala build is very nice if I think about it some more. I really wanna have some more people getting back to HC while enjoying the new content. Stuff like that would help it. It's just to hard as it is right now and even with very high end gear you get one shot sometimes.

    Reusable quests is something I don't like as a feature because it's one of these things that would make the game too convenient for me and rushing new chars is part of the game. Even only for that purpose.

    Every idea with new skills is really cool. But it's way easier to talk about it then implementing and rethinking it. I don't even know if it's worth the effort. Instead I would love to have more synergies changed or skills fixed or with minor adjustments. That would be a lot easier and bring us to play a lot more different things.

    For instance:

    - Changing poison dagger or explosion somehow.
    - Buffing summons.
    - Fixing or buffing fire assa or make other traps/kicks interesting.
    - Removing fire druid cooldowns or have them lowered by % or smth.
    - Buffing druid summons at a specific level or synergy for druid summoners.
    - Fixing Hunger frames bug for druid.
    - Enhance war cry range a bit.
    - Buffing Pala meele skills AR % a bit.
    - Giving a now useless meele skill a side effect like "Ignore target defense works on bosses with this skill" or "Each hit reduces the damage of bosses by 5% stacking up to 10 times. Just some out the head examples.

    Of course I would love to have new skills and I like all of your ideas about it. Just wanna show some easier things that could also bring more char diversity here. A lot of people already suggested items that change a skill or synergy a bit. That would bring even more possibilities if combined.
    Last edited by Dante; 08-18-2015 at 03:02 AM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xardas View Post
    Two Wangs are better than one.
    All of us proficient singular wang'd individuals may disagree with you.

    But for real, great ideas, Xardas! I would be interested to see this Ride of the Valkyries skill in action.

  6. #6
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    Nado druids need a bit of work, i feel like they've been on the lacking end of this realm. Also, can you please check out dudu summons? I swear (mike disagrees) that the stacking on them is fucked right now. Instead of them tanking the first few hits of an enemy skill, i receive the damage before they do. I've tested this A LOT and i'm almost positive it isn't like vanilla d2.

  7. #7
    Retired Staff Dante's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moose View Post
    Nado druids need a bit of work, i feel like they've been on the lacking end of this realm. Also, can you please check out dudu summons? I swear (mike disagrees) that the stacking on them is fucked right now. Instead of them tanking the first few hits of an enemy skill, i receive the damage before they do. I've tested this A LOT and i'm almost positive it isn't like vanilla d2.
    Try nado druid with cthulu caster set and cow queen armor. As well as the new druid prime charm. You can get above 10 k nado damage, 200fcr sorc bp by being in cow form, max dr, insanly hp, massive hurricane cold damage boosted by prime charm and a lot of sockets. Also 50% parry and 10% evade from tome. There shouldn't be many pvp chars you can't kill with 200 fcr nado stomp lol. I consider nado druids with this build in the top 3 pvp char builds here. Not many chars I lost against.

  8. #8
    Senior Member LordManhammer's Avatar
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    I was just asking someone in-game if set items were runewordable yesterday. I think that would make for some epic murder death kill.

  9. #9
    Retired Staff Xardas's Avatar
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    Not meaning to thread resurrect, but I figured I got one last umph to add to this thread, so here goes:

    * Act 1 merc should get her own set called Kashya's Scout Expedition; demonhead, wire fleece, hydra bow

    * Act 2 merc gets his set called Greiz's Town Patrol; giant thresher, lacquered plate, corona

    * Act 3 merc's set is called Asheara's Jungle Safari; phase blade, shadow plate, spired helm

    * Act 5 merc's set is Qual-Kehk's Strategic Campaign; colossus blade, sacred armor, guardian crown

    * Act 4's new merc: I changed my mind; fucking Mario RPG that goes around wrecking shit with Chthulu and Cow set

    * Amazon's Valkyrie: This should be changed into Robocop from the Genesis game, Robocop vs The Terminator. Sure it'll look half-assed being only 2d sidescroller and all, but it fires instakill bullets. What's wrong with that?

    * Act 3 fetish and soul killers are changed into Marios and Luigis running up to you in the same exact fashion, all the same wanting to kick your ass.

    * New boss: Agahnim from Link to the Past will fire random sorceress spells at you. Plays the boss music too.

    * D2 Pets! Each player can buy a pet that costs 1 gold that is based on some of the random animals found during the entire game. They can all each have one level 1 paladin aura.

    * I'm out of ideas atm; your turn.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Annihilus Account: acyroma

    I really like the merc set idea. That could be really fun.

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