Great work once again

Here some thoughts on the patchnotes:

- "Orb of Transmogrification has been added to the Gold Vendor. This will allow you to re-roll the properties on any Unique or Set item."
-> This is kinda both way. On one side it can fix some really low rolls (assuming every single stat rerolls) which can be nice if you aim for perfect stuff, on the other side it will lower the value a good roll drop gives you. Some may say it's fair to have a chance to improve a rare item that you mfed long for some it sn't and makes it kinda boring.
I wonder what about some semi class dependent items like Mara or Soj. Will they reroll class specifics as well or is that firm? Sure some other stats on items could be on question too.

- " A new tier of Gems have been added...."
-> Do they have new stats if I just use them on sockets? Or just a bit more on the stats then perfect ones? Would be cool to have someone who can post a full set on wiki !

- "Acid Injector and it's skill Inject Acid have both been buffed"
-> Removes all physical resistant? Even on bosses? Wow, If I use this on werewolf with Flavies, this could rock and speed up infernos so much. Possibly making wolfs a very fast class for Inferno runs

- "Valkyrie has had it's stats gained ..."
-> Nice Is this some kind of minion buff start up? I hope so. Druid minions, necro summons, shadow could all use some love

- "You can now move items from Inventory to Stash or vice-versa by holding CTRL while clicking them. CTRL + Shift will drop any item you click to the ground. CTRL + ALT will move items from the Stash to your Cube, or vice-versa"
-> My personal favorite on this list. Will help a lot and gets rid of some annoying times. Thanks !
