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Thread: N AR advice

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by LordManhammer View Post
    Just a little F.Y.I. , the reason that Smite works so well against bosses is that it always hits. It isn't a 95% chance to hit. Smite bypasses the formula altogether. The trade off is the low physical damage. However as we all know, crushing blow, amp damage and lifetap make it all worthwhile.

    I picked up a Full Moon a couple weeks ago and decided to level a druid to test out Pounce. What a let down. Even with high end gear it felt like a complete waste of time. I respecced for elemental and it was even worse. Druids are just weak. With a better chance to hit, shape shifters might be fun again but as they are now it's just not worth the headache. They aren't even the strongest Werewolves. I made a Were-Barbarian using the Bul'Kathos sword set that had more health/armor/AR/damage/CB and was just a better all around werewolf. Druids should be the strongest shape shifters.

    Just a heads up, dreamlands (and most super endgame content bosses) have a 50% evade property, it evades even smite. So smite only hits 50% of the time

  2. #12
    Wiki Moderator Lampogriz's Avatar
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    Just 4 info, smite can't be blocked in pvp with ctulhu/belials/plaguebringer

  3. #13
    Senior Member LordManhammer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Game View Post
    Just a heads up, dreamlands (and most super endgame content bosses) have a 50% evade property, it evades even smite. So smite only hits 50% of the time
    That's so dirty Wouldn't the game check that endgame evade property and the AR formula separately then? That would explain why people feel like they are actually hitting 35% of the time even though the character sheet says they have a 70% chance to hit.

  4. #14
    Retired Staff Dante's Avatar
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    I have no clue about the def ratings of the bosses but if you take 5 or 10k for instance:

    Chance To Hit = 200% * {AR / (AR + DR)} * {Alvl / (Alvl + Dlvl)}

    AR = Attacker's Attack Rating
    DR = Defender's Defense rating
    Alvl = Attacker's level
    Dlvl = Defender's level

    (10000 / (10000 + 5000)) * (85 / (85 + 99)) * (0,5) * 200% = 30,8%
    (15000 / (15000 + 5000)) * (85 / (85 + 99)) * (0,5) * 200% = 34,6%
    (25000 / (25000 + 5000)) * (85 / (85 + 99)) * (0,5) * 200% = 38,5%
    (25000 / (25000 + 5000)) * (90 / (90 + 99)) * (0,5) * 200% = 39,7%

    If the bosses have double the def:
    (25000 / (25000 + 10000)) * (85 / (85 + 99)) * (0,5) * 200% = 33%
    (25000 / (25000 + 10000)) * (90 / (90 + 99)) * (0,5) * 200% = 34%
    (12000 / (12000 + 10000)) * (90 / (90 + 99)) * (0,5) * 200% = 26%


    Correct me if I'm wrong.

    => I think 12k AR can be easily achieved with AR charms and some minor gear changes towards AR % and prebuff ench.
    However, 25k AR needs something additional like angelic set or base AR from set bonus mixed % AR , like ench prebuff.

    At this point you still need to deal damage to them. You have to calculate the hit% cb on top and wear high damage gear besides good AR. Also IAS will increase your damage throughput. Working feral IAS would help it a bit, but as I heard it does not atm.
    They will probably one shot you still, so you have to prebuff ench each time you die.
    You also have to get good fhr rates as a shifter and some way to leech life like dracul(5% ;/). Better don't use too much %block, because that will take you more frames than just get the damage and use fhr frames.
    Have fun getting high res and 50% dr on a shield with a bad %block rate. You are meele after all.
    Also you want high frw because you can't tele and Knarst is a pain to kill without teleport.

    It is pretty hard to get all the things you want as a shifter and work not even nearly as good as a javazon or smiter.

    Conclusion: Shifters can run dreamlands for sure. It is not an easy alternative though, it requires some dedication and thought in gear build and time.
    It will not work as good and easy as other chars, because you have all these restrictions and stat goals to achieve.

    Aldurs will make a stable base build for that, you have 8 Burst of speed, good stats ( no %dr though sadly what really would be needed) and a lot of sockets.
    Last edited by Dante; 12-20-2015 at 02:37 AM.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Lampogriz View Post
    Just 4 info, smite can't be blocked in pvp with ctulhu/belials/plaguebringer
    If that's true then something isn't working as intended.

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