i really wanted to make a pure shuriken cow farmer, so i did some test about it... as far as i tested yeahh its counted as physical, Dealdly strike seems to work so does poison dmg from skills, charms, and life leech(i tested with some life/hit and it seems that attacks from "trap" is really fast because it heals a lot with really few L/H) and stuff
i saw that attack speed seems to change attack, but well could be really nice to have an idea about the break points. +dmg charms seem to had dmg too but... well it is D2 so its really hard to see how the dmg really work just by looking char windows, since it only show flat dmg.
hope we ll have more information about this skill one day , but isnt that skill based on another skill forom assa?
PS: btw is it the same for maelstrom ? or do we have ias Breakpoint table ? thanks!